Arriving At D.C.

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The plane lands and the two are escorted to another car

"What's the white house like?" Kenny asks

Matilda says, "Well we aren't going directly there just the area. I've never been there myself either."

Kenny says, "Wanna see if we can visit once we're done?"

"Sure," Matilda says, "I also wanna go to a couple of stores for some clothes since we'll be here for a bit."

"Sounds like a plan," Kenny says

The car goes silent for a while as Kenny surveys the nightlife of the capital

Matilda asks, "What are ya thinking about?"

"This place. The people. The buildings. It's all the same as a night in New York, but slightly different." Kenny says

Matilda laughs. She offers some of her chips to which Kenny obliges

A bit more time passes and the two are let out at an official-looking building inside a gate protected by the armed forces

Kenny looks up in awe as Matilda walks up casually

"Hey, Gerry! It's been forever! Hope you've been well?" Matilda asks while waving at the security guard

Gerry The Security Guard says, "Hey gurl! I'm good and well, hope you've been the same?"

"I've been great! I'd love to catch up but I can't right now, talk later?" Matilda says

Gerry The Security Guard says, "Of course, hun no worries go head in ya momma waiting for ya."

"Thank you! Let's get coffee on your break!"

Gerry smiles and waves as the two walk into the building

Filing, calling, rushing, and much more unfold before Kenny's eyes who watches with an expression that screams


Matilda laughs, "C'mon Kenny we gotta get to the conference room."

"Please go slow I don't wanna get lost." Kenny says

Matilda grabs him by the wrist and rushes through the building into the conference room

Inside are the following people:

Agent Vikor

Leader of the Holy House Jamie Kilo; a 25yr old 5'5 white woman with long blonde hair and blue eyes wearing white robes

Leader of the Dragon House Marcus Dil; a bald 5'9 19yr old black male with brown eyes wearing a black tanktop and blue jeans

Leader of the Elemental House Kuro Johnson; a 6'7 16yr old asian with a white bowl cut wearing a black shirt with the story characters Keidro and Mello from DragonSmith Slayers on the front with grey sweats

Leader of the Weird House Lucy Mongro; a 5'6 17yr old white male with messy black hair and black eyes wearing a pineapple shirt and black shorts

Agent Vikor asks, "Aw is he your boyfriend now?"

Matilda looks confused until she realizes that she's still holding Kenny's hand which she releases in a panic

"hahaha uh no I just uhh." Matilda stammers as her mom laughs at her

"Well, this is the legend himself." Lucy says as he gets up to inspect Kenny up close

The two look each other in the eyes for a while before Lucy grabs his own face and makes it stretch while he gives a big smile

Kenny jumps back, "Oh what the hell!?"

Lucy laughs, "I'm a rubber person, I can stretch my body and a bunch of cool things."

"Huh I'm a plant person, I can regen and use photosynthesis." Kenny replies

Lucy says, "Wait so do you need to eat?"

Kenny says, "Well no, I don't have to sleep either but I can if I wanted to."

The room looks amazed as a 5'11 broad-shouldered bald black man wearing a full black suit walks in

President Tramba says, "Hello everyone, please take your seats."

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