Chance to Get an Early Preview of the Paladin Sequel!

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Exciting update from my publisher!!! I know a lot of you are very eager to read the sequel to Paladin and see what happens next in Sam, Braeden, and Tristan's journey (yes, they all will star prominently in the sequel).

Thanks to all of your support yesterday during the big launch, Paladin made it to #1 and #4 in the Girls & Women category in Kindle sales in Australia and Canada respectively, and #6 in the Sword & Sorcery category here in the U.S.

If you can help Paladin get into the top 5 in U.S. Kindle sales this weekend (May 15-May 17), my publisher will let me post the first chapter of the sequel exclusively to Wattpad in the next few weeks.

(FYI, the sequel will be called Uriel.)

Here's how you can help get Paladin to the top 5 on Amazon:

1) Buy a copy! That's the easiest way :) It's $2.99 for an ebook

2) If you've bought a copy and read it, write a review on the site where you bought the book. Make sure to let me know about it — then I can give you my digital autograph for your book!

3) Tell everyone you know to read Paladin! If you'd like to mention Paladin on Twitter, feel free to use my handle @sallyroseslater

4) Write a review or rate Paladin on Goodreads and/or Shelfari

Hope we crack the top 5! I'm excited to start sharing Uriel!

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