to know better,
"Lo nggak usah terlalu mikirin ucapan Mama, for me... you're my best brother. Maaf, kalau gue nggak bisa nyelamatin lo... dari Mama."
"Gue selalu ada buat lo kok. Gue emang nggak bisa buat lo lupa sama apa yang terjadi, tapi gue bisa bantu lo untuk sembuh. Gue nggak akan pergi."
Kami saling bertanya-tanya, siapa yang harus kami selamatkan terlebih dahulu dan siapa yang bisa menyelamatkan kami.
Gilang Aryasa
"Gue harus nyelamatin siapa dulu, Nar?"
Zanara Maurrine
"Selamatin diri lo sendiri dulu, Lang. Lo gak akan bisa nyelamatin siapa-siapa, kalau lo juga tenggelam."
Tapi, Nar?
only a small part of their story is still unable to forget the bitter memories.
we know better, so we'd both better go (playlist)
Save you — Simple Plan
Perfect — Simple Plan
Love is gone — Dylan Matthew, SLANDER
Lose — NIKI
Survivors — Passenger
Let Her Go — Passenger
Over again — One direction
Spaces — One direction
A little tell: This is a fiction. There are harsh words, not based on a true story. There is no similarity in the story with the face claim mentioned.
Please be wise.Sincerly, K
we know better, so we'd both better go
Fiksi Umumwe know better, so we'd both better go. 2024, leosscript