Chapter 14

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So two chapters left guys then it's over it's gonna be done.

Enjoy *whispers* I'm gonna surprise you at the end *winks*

Lilac's Pov-

I stared at Damian while I was tied to the chair in his office while he was writing some things down "your not letting me go are you" I asked him still glaring at him. He chuckled "oh but not for long" he smirked at me, by that look it doesn't seem good. I tugged at the rope on my arm trying to set it free from the rope.

"If you keep doing that your not getting out of here" he stopped writing and looked at me leaning back in his chair "now let's talk why your here" I can't take it anymore "I want to get out of this, hurting people is not what I have planned!" he stood up and walked over to me, he leaned down staring into my eyes "your not gonna stop about this until your out of this aren't you."

"You know me so well Damian, but not well enough" he narrowed his eyes at me "for more important business I called my friend Andrew" my eyes widened "he's gonna help me get rid of Niall once and for all" I started to tug at my restraints "why do you hate him so much huh, what has Niall ever do to you" he chuckled at me while walking behind me and placing his lips behind my ear.

"His sister made a deal with me a few years back" Niall had a sister? Did he even knew about it "what kind of deal" he stood up walking in front of me and he leaned against his desk "just some of her parents money because you know that they are rich but it seems she didn't do it" he looked at me "how come she didn't" I want to get into more detail.

"Well she didn't want her little brother Niall to get hurt so she didn't take anything from her parents" "making deals with people is not a good thing, you end up hurting the people they love. what do you want from Niall, not just for his parents money" I said feeling my voice crack from lack of water.

He gripped my hair and tugged it back "it's better not to say since your not gonna be here for long" tears were streaming down my face "p-please Damian all I want is to go home and get out of this mess" I whimpered out. his eyes darkened in anger and roughly pulled my hair again making me scream in pain "no ones gonna help you Lilac, everyone hates you because of what you did to them for three years."

He's right everyone does hate me, maybe I don't deserve a second chance, maybe everyone will be happy if I was gone...but that's not gonna happen, no I won't let anything happen to me or Niall, I'll die trying to keep Niall alive, I gave him a glare. "You know you are in the same position Niall's sister was in" my eyes widened "you killed her didn't you" I asked, he chuckled bring his face closer to mine "and that's what's gonna happen to you, princess."

He stood up "enjoy your last time being alive, I'm gonna find a new replacement to help me get what I wanted" he smirked wickedly at me, I glared at him "you don't deserve any of this, you'll regret everything that you have done years ago. after three years working with you I'm gonna put you in jail where you belong!!!" I yelled the last part.

"You really need to learn not to say that to me" he said slapping across my face hard making me cry out in pain "shut up! I hate hearing your whining all the damn time" he pulled his gun out as my eyes widened in fear, he had a glint in his eye and then he shot me in the shoulder "ahhhhh" I screamed out in pain, he leaned his face closer to mine smelling his smoky breath. "That will make you stop whining girl." (Damian is a cruel man even though I did make him like this)

I gave him a death glare "I'll stop you from whatever your planning" he just chuckled in response, I've had enough of this so I head butted him not really caring if it hurts "your gonna regret that b*tch" he sneered walking out of the room. I sighed in relief that he's gone. I took a razor out of my sleeve that I've been holding the entire time and started to cut through the rope. as I got my arm free and did the other arm free.

When I got my other foot free I looked around the room to find something to hit Damian with. I kept looking until I found a frying pan 'why does he have a frying pan' Damian is a really weird guy, I picked it up and stood by the door. I waited by the door holding onto the weapon tightly.

I heard footsteps coming back and the door opened and he came in holding a knife. as he's about to turn to face me as I whacked him right in the face knocking him out. I dropped the fry pan "don't mess with me" I said running out of the room. I ran down the stairs ignoring all the dancers and got out the door.

I ran down the street can't see where I'm going since it's dark out. I held onto my bleeding shoulder as I ran, I felt rain start pouring down, I stopped getting my breath, I looked at my surroundings then seeing an abandoned house. I walked up to it and opened the door hearing it creak.

I closed the door and turned on my flashlight looking around the place, I need to hide fast. I walked up the stairs and walked into a bedroom covered in cobwebs and dust, I saw some pictures of a family but it was hard to see it when it's covered in dust. I keep on looking around until I saw a gun, it has some bullets inside of it, so I placed it in my pocket just in case.

I don't know how much time I have left till Damian finds me, I sat down on the bed and took out my phone, finding the only person who can help me, I texted Niall only one word 'Help' and then I sent it to him and I put my phone back into my pocket. Then I held onto my bleeding shoulder feeling tears go down my cheeks. I really hope Damian didn't know where I went to hide.

Then I saw some movement from the corner of my eye, I looked over seeing a shadow at the doorway "what are you doing here" it was a girl but I didn't even recognized her voice but she sounded Irish. I stood up "I'm sorry I didn't know you were here" she walked into the room, I saw her face more clearer now. She had pink hair with a little bit of black and some cool black designs in it and bluish grey eyes, and some dark make up on, she looks seventeen but maybe older.

She looked at me "why are you here" she asked, I gulped "h-hiding from s-someone" I stuttered, "wh-who are you?" I asked. she looked around the room and then looked back at me "my names Raven, Raven Horan." (Wait What!!)

What did you guys think about that, I surprised you didn't I with that cliffhanger, times running out for Lilac I believe, Niall's sister made an appearance and is in the house well technically story but you know what I mean.

Some bad Sh*ts are gonna happen in the next chapter everybody.

I hoped you guys enjoyed it, also I wasn't planning on making this chapter long just to say.

Remember be beautiful 😚

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