Chapter 13

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XD, I don't know why but I'm in a good mood right now.

This story is confusing me at first it was all happy and nice but now I don't know what has happened but it doesn't matter this story is getting really good.

This is gonna be a short chapter just to tell you guys so you know.


Constantine's Pov-

Everything's confusing me, first off Lilac being all mean a few weeks ago and now she's being weak for no reason "whatcha thinking about" I look over seeing Christian walking over to me "does it really matter" I said not in the mood to talk to my stepbrother to be, yeah he's still here but my dad and his fiancé isn't.

"Come on, I know there's something wrong" I gave him my signature 'I don't want to talk' look but it doesn't seem to be working "I think I know a way to make you talk" he started to lean in with a smirk on his face, I leaned away from him "I have a boyfriend" I said with confidence, he rolled his eyes at me "like I'd care" he still leaned forward.

I got up from the couch "what's the matter with you, your going to be my soon to be step brother, I don't like you in that way" I said getting frustrated at him. He stood up walking towards me "what's his name then" he asked me "his name is Luke Hemmings" he backed me against the wall placing his hand next to my head.

"Wow your boyfriends a drug dealer" I furrowed my eyebrows at at "you knew about him" he nodded his "of course I do, nice guy but not good enough for you" I glared at him "shut up" I pushed him away from me walking to the front door putting on my shoes "where are you going" "out" I said leaving through the door.

I walked for a couple of minutes I made it to my destination. I knocked on the door "oh hey Constantine what brings you here" Niall said with a confused look on his face "I need some space away from Christian" I said walking inside, I got into the living seeing the others here "what brings you guys here?" I asked them.

They shrugged there shoulders "Niall told us to come here, he said it was urgent" Niall came in holding a piece of paper in his hands "I was going to call you Cons but seems you are here please take a seat.

Niall's Pov-

As Constantine took a seat I took a deep breath looking at the letter Lilac gave me the other day "since I haven't told you guys why your here and that its urgent is the only way to get you here" I said trying to sound calm "ok then what's that in your hand" Louis asked pointing to the letter.

I took a deep breath "this is from Lilac-" everybody groaned "is this what is about, that girl whose been after you for a while now your talking about her" I can see the hatred in everyone's eyes when I mentioned Lilac "I know you guys hate her but after you read this you might have different thoughts about her."

"Why do you want us to read a letter that Lilac gave you, is it because she's swaying you to her trap" I can't handle it anymore, they don't know what she's been through "maybe she's gotten you into her trap already to make you her's forever" that's it I've had enough "just read the damn letter!" I yelled making everyone flinch at my tone of voice, I don't usually swear but if I'm annoyed then I'll swear.

I took a deep breath "please just read the letter" they all gave each other glances but nodded anyways, I gave them the letter watching them read it one by one.

Constantine looked up "so this whole entire time she was forced to do things that she never even did, I thought this is what she actually does" I saw tears in her eyes "it wasn't your fault Constantine you didn't know" I said making her feeling better.

When I got the letter back my friends have tears down their cheeks "what does she mean she doesn't have much time left" Eleanor asked. I sat down "I'm not exactly sure El but I hope it won't be too late."

After that we've decided to watch the movie Into The Woods (love the movie) as we got into the movie I went into the kitchen I felt my phone vibrate getting a message thinking that it's from Liam (he had to be somewhere) when I unlocked my phone going to the messages seeing that it wasn't from Liam, it was from Lilac. When I read the message it made me freeze on the spot when I read that one word. Now I'm extremely worried for her.


Oh boy, this doesn't sound good, next chapter is gonna be in Lilac's Pov only, what exactly happened to Lilac when she sent that message to Niall well you have to find out next chapter.

Have a good day guys be amazing 😚

Also I'm going to Calgary tomorrow which is a Saturday so I won't be able to write for a little bit.

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