Chapter XV: Back in Mayfair

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A couple of days pass and slowly I can't bear to hear the word marriage anymore. It seems my whole life now is about marriage. I sit through my own meetings with my mother, in which we decide who my bridesmaids will be, what Christina as my maid of honour and my bridesmaids should wear, where to keep the wedding, which church, who to invite, what food to eat, what decorations to use; it is all very wearisome. And when we have decided on things, they are suddenly in front of me again because something is not possible or because there are objections against it after all.

And when my mother gives me some slack, I am wanted at Arlington Park to fulfil my duties as a maid of honour at Christina's and Elias' wedding, where the whole thing starts over again. Spending some more time with Christina is the only positive thing I can come up with these days. Other than that, my days consist only of taking care of business.

I am more than happy that tonight we will be visiting Mayfair Mansion once more for one of aunt Emma's parties. Though Liam knows about our regular visits and accepts me going there, it's new for Elias. Of course he knew I went there from time to time, but now he's engaged with Christina he thinks he has a right to visit as well. He keeps harassing me about it, but of course he keeps bothering his future wife as well since he doesn't dare to ask Mrs. Maxwell herself. He doesn't understand what the secrecy is all about and he makes it into a personal matter all together.

Christina is becoming sick and tired with his constant whining and one day she lashes out at him. Liam and I quickly leave the house together, when we see Christina's wrath has been summoned. Luckily after that argument Elias doesn't bother us with any more questions. He looks at me jealous though from time to time which is often followed by some inaudible muttering. Knowing my brother though he will not let this go. So it's probably better to keep the visits to Mayfair Mansion at a minimum for the time being.

At eight o'clock the Arlington carriage arrives and after giving my parents a goodnight kiss and after waving a still sulking Elias goodbye, I cheerfully enter the carriage. I give aunt Emma three kisses on her cheek and give Christina a heartfelt hug, which she ends by giving me a kiss on the crown of my head.

'Someone's been looking forward to this,' she compliments me, while taking me in completely. 'You look splendid, love.'

'So, do you, beautiful.'

Aunt Emma snorts. 'And look who's forgotten.' She pouts supposedly and we both laugh. 'You look pretty as well, Mrs. Maxwell,' I quickly compliment her. 'But then again, you always do. Saying you look fine tonight is stating the obvious.'

'But it's so nice to hear it over and over again.'

Christina smiles at her fondly. 'You're vain, auntie.'

'There's nothing wrong with looking fine, dear. Wait until you get my age. You'd be dying for a compliment from time to time.'

Christina rolls her eyes, but then asks me: 'Is Elias still mad at me?'

'Sulking like a big child, I fear. I wish you luck with that one.'

She pulls a funny face and I tap her nose affectionately. 'I didn't wrong him in this, did I?' She asks me hesitantly.

'No, he's just acting like a spoiled brat. Liam is much more understanding in this. You will not allow men and that's fine by him.'

'Yes, he is an open minded fellow.' She sounds bitter and I playfully nudge her arm.

'Jealousy suits you well.' I wink and this makes her smile.

'I am not jealous, love.' I raise an eyebrow and she laughs beneath her breath. 'All right, perhaps a bit envious then.'

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