Chapter 25

111 7 2

Copyright © tiyashidas123

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"Radha? Let us go to the river? Or forest?" Revati asks.
"Okay. Did you talk about your clothes?" I ask her.

"Yes. The seamstress took the measurements, said the clothes will be ready tomorrow. Let us go?" She says going to the door.

"Yes. Let us go"

Revati and I, the two of us start towards the river.

"So, any reason you want us to go to the river?" I ask.

"Or the forest. Anything is fine. It is where Balaram asked to meet because of the answer..." She trails.

"Okay. He asked you to meet in two places...?" I ask, still a little mused about the two meetings places here.

"He asked for the forest but if we go to the river then we can talk first here" she lifts her shoulders.

"Okay" I say as we reach the riverside.

"Radha! Radha!" "Radha!" A voice calls, I look around to find Vishakha running towards us.

"Yes?" I ask her as she reaches us, breathing heavily.

"Chandrabali. She was here in the forest in the morning? She spent the night here, that too with a boy!" She says still breathing heavily.

"I know that" I say.

"You know that? Do you know who the boy is?" She asks.

"Do you?" I ask her.

"If I knew then would I ask you? She said that she met her fiancée. But rumours has it that her fiancée said he did not meet her, she does not know that of course. So, the elders are discussing who it might be" she says sitting on the steps.

"Okay. Let them discuss. Revati?" I turn to Revati.

"It is almost time to meet him. Stay here, we will be going home from here together?" She asks.

"Okay" I smile at her.

"Time to meet who? Dau?" Vishakha asks.

"Yes. Their engagement is nearing"

"Really? That is great!" Vishakha says bouncing on her feet and smiling.

I smile at her.

So, Krishn is right.

He is not marrying her.

But why did she say that he is her fiancée? Did she lie? Or did, no, she must know her own fiancée. Does she like Krishn then? And what will happen if elders get to know Krishn was with her?

"Radha. Let us go home" I look at Krishn and he pulls me by my hand.

"Krishn! I am waiting here for Revati" I tell him.

"Radha" Revati comes along with dau.

"Let us go" Dau says and we look at Vishakha as she goes home and then start towards home.

I try to pull my hand but Krishn tightens his hold, not too much though.

His hand is nice around mine. Heat and little specs of sparks and calmness in my mind.
He smiles at me full of happiness and I smile back at him. He looks good as he smiles


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Thank you.
Tiya ♡

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