Arjun ~
Her skin was as warm as honey glowing under the merciless lights, her eyes were feline and utterly luminous, as if they had projected their own ray beams and I had to physically stop myself from pushing away hair strands that swayed at the side of her face to fully absorb her in. In all her glory, she looked like a goddess to be devoured. The kind who would bring any King on his knees and to say that I was an exception would be a lie.
" Arjun." Mom called out for me and the moment she gave her hand in mine, I knew this was it. She was mine as much as I was hers and god damn me if I let her walk away.
She squirmed as I let her hand go and looked away just as soon and just like that, the urge for me to look into her eyes returned.
" That is entirely unnecessary mother, I believe you just did." I told her and walked away to get a whiskey. The was wrong with me? She goes to college for god's sake and like a fucking teenager, I couldn't control myself as I saw her run away as I followed.
" Yeah? So what I want suddenly matters?" She pointed out the obvious but it was enough for a pure wave of anger rush within me and it was completely dedicated to myself as I decided to get away from the girl after making sure she does not drive in anger.
" You can take the fucking car and run in through a tree for all I care but there is no way I am getting in. I'd rather walk home." I heard her shout at the driver and my footsteps stalled and I forced myself to turn back to look at the scene.
Before I could stop myself, a chuckle escaped me which made her stop screaming and look at me.
" Ranaji are you sure that you are okay? I mean I was the one almost hit by a car today but it seems like you have lost your brain in the process or it the dementia finally kicking in?" No one has ever talked back to me like that, let alone as much as question anything but she seemed unafraid in uncharted territory.
" You should that things happen my way here, little flower and as much as I admire your ability to pretend to be fearless, you'd steer clear of going against me." I warned her, taking two strides towards her.
" Or what? There is nothing you can do to get your way from me so don't mind me if I pay zero heed to your empty threats." She replied, taking two steps back but she let me looking into those eyes of hers.
" You'll find out soon enough if my threats were empty or not Miss Dhar. Now get into the car." I opened the door and waited patiently for her to slide in but she folded her arms instead, gave me a twisted smile and turned back on her feet to start walking away.
I asked the driver to step out and drove behind her like a stalker. Seriously? Chasing after a woman, barely a woman was what I had reduced myself to? It was almost as if I had a split personality where I couldn't stand myself for what I was doing and the second part of me won't let her go even if it hadn't been more than two hours since I have known of her presence.
" Get inside the car, now." I asked her, rolling down the windows when my phone went off.
" Ranaji please stay where you are, the security cars will be right with you." It was one of the security staff who had called me.
" Anyone who tries to follow will be fired." I replied and hung up. I was not a child to be taken care of unlike a woman walking next to the car.
" You should know that you look completely like a psycho stalker villain from one of the Grade C movies who is obsessed with the heroine." She snarked and increased the pace of her steps.

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕮𝖗𝖎𝖒𝖘𝖔𝖓 𝕮𝖗𝖔𝖜𝖓. (COMPLETED)
Romance" Do not be mistaken little flower, you are mine and mine alone. Any man who looks at you longer than three seconds will be dealt in a manner I find fitting. This is my kingdom and I run it the way I see it competent." Rana Arjun Singh Rajvanshi, th...