29. 𝕱𝖎𝖗𝖊 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕱𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙.

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Siya ~

Coming back to my bedroom and finding that annoying sorry of a woman Vani trying to find something in my room was something that did not sit well with me.

" What do you think you're doing? Vani if you haven't been taught this yet, let me educate you. Going inside someone's bedroom in their absence so late at night is borderline psycho and a tad bit criminal." I announced my presence and she immediately turned around with an evil smirk on her lips.

" Enlighten me here Siya, do you not keep Arjun's bed warm enough that he has to spend his nights at work? It that a lesson you need help with? You know I can gladly offer you some insight about what he does and does not like...." She had started to speak such lowly words that for a split second, I did not realise what she was implying but when I did, I stalked towards her, gripping her wrist tightly in my hand, dragging her out.

" Finish that sentence and live to regret all your life Vani. I can and will make your life an absolute nightmare if I wish to and too bad for you, I do. Now get the fuck out before I forget that you are somehow still a family member in name." I warned her, yanking her outside the room in absolute rage. I could feel my blood boiling at her words and I had to control myself as to not create a scene as of now.

" Siya, you should know this. The portrait that you have made of Arjun lacks one thing. Just one. If you haven't observed it yet, he has a flicker of emerald in there, just s tiny bit. You really would have to see into those eyes to know that. This is how I know that Arjun hasn't even touched you once, let alone make you his wife in the truest of senses." She laughed, mocking me and gave me a look under which I found myself folding.

I had nothing to say. What could I potentially say anyway? I had never allowed him to let him come near me.

" It is astonishing to see how time has done so little to improve your character Vani. I feel sorry for Amar as much as I hate him for taking birth through me. Leave my daughter alone before I change my mind and throw Amar and you out at this moment." Mom's voice rang into my ears and I raised my eyes to look at her.

" Mom...." Vani started to speak but was cut off again.

" It is Badi Raani for you and Siya is your Raanisa. One more time you insult your queen and you will be prosecuted in an according her Ranaji finds fit and even your husband will not be able to save you front Arjun's wrath. Take this an a warning if not an advice." Mom finished and Vani tucked her tail between her legs before walking away.

" Siya beta what happened to you? I don't know what she told you but you make Arjun happy and honestly, you are the reason he is slowly resorting to living rather than just breathing. Never doubt yourself for one second." Mom said, pulling me in for a hug and I allowed myself to relax in her embrace.

" Thank you mom." I whispered as she lovingly stoked my hair.

" Thank you beta. Thank you for being you." She replied as I distanced myself a bit. She ran her fingers in my tangled hair, undoing the knots in my hair before asking me to go to bed without wasting a second more. I obeyed, shutting the door behind me and reached out to Arjun's portrait, running the tip of my fingers on the canvas, feeling all the oil pastels smoothening under my touch.

" That witch has really, really reduced the sanctity of this painting. I am going to make this again but it has to go." I muttered to myself before getting a matchbox and setting the painting on fire as I saw Arjun burn in front of my eyes.

But this was a symbol. A symbol of me burning all the bitterness I have for him for marrying me the way he did and starting over. He did what he did and I couldn't change it but he also gave me space and time and reason to accept this marriage, to accept him as my husband. He might have forced me into this but he never coerced me into a physical relationship. Never forced his hand as my husband as my Ranaji. He gave me all the respect in this world and all my wishes became his command, literally.

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕮𝖗𝖎𝖒𝖘𝖔𝖓 𝕮𝖗𝖔𝖜𝖓. (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now