The failed project

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y/n pov

Hi, my name is y/n [REDACTED] daughter of Deb [REDACTED] and Wes [REDACTED]. I am 15 years old. I was a so-called "failed project at Syntec'' as Nelson syphus would put it. I am currently hiding like my mother. "Let me tell you about myself. '' I said while talking to the camera. " my name is y/n [REDACTED]. I know the mask makes me look scary or anything else so I don't need your hate comments. I am not a phantom or any of that matter. I will explain why I have the mask in a different video but not this one. I don't know if anybody knows what syntec was, that they were an evil business. I know a lot about it that I am not sharing with the world because this could go to the wrong audience. I will tell you it was not a fun experience to go through that. Yeah, you heard that right, I was a lab rat call me names whatever. you're lucky not a lot of you had to go through that and who did I feel sorry for you. I understand the pain you went through,'' I sighed "well this is goodbye for now but not forever also remember to breathe." I waved as I shut off the camera. Then I went to bed for the night because I was up really early.

Wood pov

"Matt we have a huge problem '' I said, a little sad, confused, and frustrated. " what Woods I was about to close up," he said as he walked over to me. "You're going to want to watch this," I said as I pointed to the computer he watched the video I had just watched."No way you know what that means we are going to have to contact her." he said as I stood there in shock at what I watched. "ok so we know that her name is y/n also that she looks like a phantom and she has information on Syntec," I proclaimed.

y/n pov

I was reviewing evidence when I remmembered the crime

-flashback 10 years ago-

I was in the car with my mother Deb and we were waiting for my dad Wes. What happened still has me shocked to this day she pulled out a gun and shot my dad in the head where it would have killed him. I heard the gunshot so I was glad I was not dead but my dad was and that changed my life. I was taken under Nelson's care because my mom went into hiding and didn't take me with her. I was scared when it happened. I didn't know what to do because I was still in the car and eventually I got out of the car and went back into syntec crying more like balling my eyes out. Nelson knew what happened and he didn't care because he got a new test subject; me. Then as I was walking in it felt as if someone came up behind me and grabbed me. I felt a poke in the back of my neck and then I was out like a light. I woke up in one of the testing rooms with my uncle Ben next to me saying that he was sorry about everything. I asked him "what is going on and why am I here?" He stepped back and revealed Nelson behind him with a grin on his face. "Give her 2 extra doses and a mask," he said and at the end, he did his signature evil laugh. Ben tried to fight back about it saying "she's not ready and why the mask that's just going to hurt even more. '' he was truly upset and a little angry that he was going to make me do it even if I didn't want to. Ben had to do it instead of someone else so it was really painful to watch him do it against his will. When Ben injected the serum into me I had a high pain tolerance but it hurt badly. I let out a scream before passing out because of the severe pain. I woke up the next morning and ached all over my body. I couldn't move. It was that bad. I felt something on my face. It felt like a mask. I breathed deeply on accident and it felt amazing. It just calmed me down. Seconds later Ben came into my room and he explained everything that happened last night I figured out that I have a mask like his but I didn't have goggles.

-(still in flash back) fast forward two years-

I was still doing daily injections. I learned to get used to the pain. I figured out that if I take the mask off I can't breathe so that was a fun experience. I was planning on grabbing some serum for my mask and escaping. I had finally escaped. I was away from Nelson and the scientists. I finally felt safe, free, and complete. I went into hiding the best I could.

-present time-

-y/n pov-

I went to bed for the first time and I didn't have any nightmares. I got a notification from my phone and I checked it and it said something along the lines of "Project 863 uploaded'' I am planning on reaching out to them soon though. Before I could do anything else, I received a message through youtube from "project 863."

-Matts pov-

We had just finished showing Sam the video of y/n. She said " we have to figure out how to contact her, she might be helpful to us" I nodded my head and turned to the camera to turn it on. I explained to the camera what had happened off-camera. We had made it back to mega desk and I sent a message to y/n through youtube that said " hello this is Matthias from project 863 we were wanting reach out to you for help and I think this could be helpful to all of this" I said to sam and Woods as I typed it out and sent it. I spun around in my chair facing Sam and Woods, " We just have to wait for an answer," I said.

-y/n pov-

I read the message from Matthias, and I responded after a few minutes of thinking with "thank you for reaching out to me. I think it could benefit either of us. I was thinking if we could meet up sometime for me to explain more. I live semi-near you guys." and send.

-Sam's pov-

I heard Matt yell "She responded, Sam, get the camera, Woods come here". I went to Matt with the camera rolling. "What did she say?" I asked as Woods came up behind me. We sat down in the mega desk chairs. Matt had said what she sent us. I was kinda shocked she replied so fast. I said " I think we should meet up," Woods' agreed by nodding his head.

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