Chapter I

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Brianna's POV

I was walking the halls in Middleton High School, which was a private boarding school in New York City, trying to get to class on time, when someone knocked into me. I lost my balance and fell, my books scattering everywhere.

"Hey!" I said, rather indignantly.

"Oh my gods, I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going!" the kid said.

"Obviously not," I muttered, getting up off the floor and beginning to gather my materials.

"Are you okay? I honestly didn't mean to," the kid said, sounding genuinely concerned.

I softened a little with his apology. "Yes, I'm fine." Turning to face the person, I noted that it was a boy. Based on his stature, he looked to be about 18, which meant that he was about the same age as me.He had cropped, light blond hair, sky blue eyes, and a scar on his left cheek. Pale but clearly jagged, it ran from underneath his left eye almost to the corner of his mouth on the same side. I wondered what could make a scar like that, but figured that it would be rude to ask.

"My name is Luke. Luke Castellan," he said, smiling. "What's yours?"

"Brianna Grace," I replied, feeling my cheeks turn hot. I mean, normally, I wasn't all sappy over boys, like my best (and only) friend, Lakyn Costas. Lakyn and I were roommates, which accounted for her being my friend only as a twist of fate. It just seemed that Luke had some sort of different vibe to him, which helped my brain process the fact that I was blushing over a boy.

The warning bell rang, breaking the awkward moment. "Um,  I should probably get to class."

"Okay," Luke responded with a dazzling smile. "See you at lunch?"

"Uh, sure! Outside, by that sweeping weeping willow?" I asked.

"Works for me," he said, before walking away. I had to run to make it to class, and just made it before the tardy bell rang, much to the amusement of my classmates.

"Who were you talking to?" Lakyn whispered to me.

"That really cute kid that's in my mythology class. You know, the one with the blond hair, blue eyes, rough looking scar?" I said.

"Are you talking about Luke Castellan?" Lakyn squealed.

With a raised eyebrow, I asked, "Yeah. How'd you know?"

"Where have you been lately? Under a rock? He's only the cutest boy in our grade!!! You are so lucky he stopped to talk to you," Lakyn exclaimed.

"He knocked into me on accident," I said. Lakyn raised an eyebrow.

"On accident?" she asked skeptically. I rolled my eyes. Lakyn was forever reading romantically too much into boys' actions around girls. I continued.

"He also asked me to eat lunch with him," I said.

"Oh my gods! Did you say yes?" Lakyn asked.

"Jeez! You make it sound like a date. Of course, I said yes," I answered.

"Good!" Lakyn replied excitedly.

"Girls!" Mrs. Dorich called loudly. "Do you have anything interesting to share with us about your answer to question forty-three on last night's Logarithm Functions homework?"

"No," I responded." Lakyn shook her head "no" as well.

"Well, then, perhaps Miss Grace would like sharing the answer with us?" she continued, staring at right at me.

Glancing down quickly at my paper, I read what I had written. "The correct answer is four."

Mrs. Dorich looked shocked, but quickly recovered and began explaining to the class how to get the correct answer. 


When Mrs. Dorich finally stopped droning on and on about boring old calculus, Lakyn and I ran out the door. We wanted to make sure that we weren't late in meeting Luke. It's rude to make people wait. I spotted him first, and Lakyn followed me over.

"Hey," Luke said. He looked over at Lakyn. "Do I know you?"

"Maybe. You look familiar too," she responded. "Summer camp?"

"Wait," I said, holding up a hand in a "stop" gesture. "You guys went to summer camp together?"

"Yes," Luke said. "Half-Blood Hill, right? Near the Delphi Strawberry Service."

"Right!" Lakyn responded enthusiastically. "Are you going this summer?"

"'Course. My mother doesn't like me around the house. She claims that I'm too hard to take care of as a single parent, which is probably true," Luke said with a shrug.

"How could you be a 'trouble child'?" I asked with a smile. It appeared so absurd to me; Luke seemed like an easygoing kid.

"I don't really like to advertise, but I have ADHD and dyslexia," he said sheepishly.

"That's really nothing to be ashamed of. I have both, too," I admitted.

"Really?" he asked in surprise. "I wouldn't think so, with the way that you get almost all of the answers right in class."

"It takes a little bit of extra work, that's all," I said. "Anyhow, do you want to go grab a spot? Lakyn can go grab the lunches."

"I'll come with you, Lakyn," Luke said, but he quickly amended what he said when Lakyn gave him a look that clearly 'spit venom', if you known what I mean. "Never mind. I'll go with Brianna."

"Okay," I said.

A/N: This part is edited. Sorry for the blown up notifications. I really didn't mean it...*smirks* Well, maybe I did. But seriously guys. There'll be a lot of notifications on this story. Don't freak out. I'm going to be editing every few weeks because of this writing club that I go to...Thanks for reading! :-)

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