Chapter XIV

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Luke's POV

We landed in the alley behind The Aldyn, and Lakyn stayed with Storm and Porkpie. I took off towards the lobby. I know, I know. You're thinking that it's dangerous splitting up. Unfortunately, we didn't have another choice. Someone had to stay with the pegasi, and anyhow, I held the title of Best Swordsman at camp. Most say, including Clarisse, if you ask her when I'm not around, that I'm the best at swordplay the camp has seen in 300 years. Anyhow, point being, I can take care of myself. Once I was inside, I took the steps, not having any time to wait for the elevator. I drew my sword as I went. When I reached her floor, I was hardly out of breath. Camp had kept me in good shape. I ran to the door and pounded on it. A man that I assumed was Brianna's father answered.
"Hello?" he said.
"Hi, I'm Luke," I said. "I met your daughter in school."
"Right," he said, looking confused. I understood why. I mean, Brianna probably hadn't mentioned me to him, and then I show up at his front door (technically speaking).
"May I come in?" I asked, knowing that if this didn't work, I'd have to find another way in. Actually, that other way would have to be through Brianna's window, and I didn't feel like being a vandal. Even though I was a son of Hermes, god of thieves, that was more Travis's style, not mine.
"Um, sure," he said. "My name is Brandon." I nodded my head, acknowledging him, and ran back the hall. I passed a woman in the hall.
That's funny, I thought. Brianna didn't mention having a stepmother. I dismissed the thought almost instantly. I stopped in front of what I thought to be her room. Just as I'd dreamed, the door was shut. I tried the handle, but it was locked. I cursed in Ancient Greek under my breath. I began to panic, then remembered a power that I had. I was hesitant to use it, thought. The last time I'd used it, Thalia and I had almost been killed. I sighed, knowing that, unlike last time, this was a matter of life or death. I held my hand over the lock, and concentrated. I could sense the inner workings of a lock-and I could unlock them. It clicked, and the door swung open. I gripped my sword in my right hand (I'd gotten another at camp after I'd arrived, and replaced my nine-iron), preparing myself for what I might find. Anna was leaning over Brianna's body, almost as a lion would with its prey. She turned and hissed when she saw me. I swung my sword in an arc. "Get away from her!" I yelled.

"Oh, I don't think so," Anna snarled. She leaped at me, and I dodged her talons. We went back and forth, a strange rendering of a dance, I realized subconsciously.

"I'll spare her if you come with me," she hissed.

"I doubt it!" I said back. "She's already unconscious. And, anyhow, what would you have to gain from me?" Anna didn't respond. Finally, I scored a lucky hit: right in the stomach. She screamed, and then disintegrated in front of me, getting monster dust everywhere. It was impossible to get off; honestly, depending on the monster, it could take several showers or more to get out of your hair. I ran to Brianna's side. Luckily, Chiron made us take a first-aid course from Cabin 7. I felt for a pulse in her wrist. I could feel it, but just barely. I didn't have time to think much, though. I went to her window, opened it, and called for Lakyn. She came flying up to the open window on Porkpie. Storm was beside her. Lakyn's eyes widened when she saw Brianna.

"Oh my gods," Lakyn gasped. "What-" She broke off abruptly when I gave her a look that I hope conveyed the message: What do you think happened?! I could tell by her face that she got the message. Lakyn glanced behind me, and said, "Um, Luke, you might want to turn around." I spun around, thinking that there were more monsters, and almost took off Brandon's head, which actually couldn't happen because my sword was made of Celestial Bronze. It could only harm monsters or other demigods, and would only pass through mortals.

"Whoa!" he said, backing up. The woman that I'd seen earlier was next to him. She screamed. I immediately sheathed my sword, thinking that she could see it.

"It's okay!" I said, trying to calm her. Then, I realized her eyes were focused behind me, on Brianna. It made sense that she would be worried about Brianna if Brianna were her stepdaughter. I turned back around, and saw Lakyn force-feeding a still unconscious Brianna ambrosia. You may recognize the name, which is because it is known as the food of the gods. A little can heal a demigod, but too much can kill us (by spontaneous combustion, which we honestly want to avoid).

"What are you feeding my daughter?" Brandon demanded.

"It's ambrosia, the food of the gods," I answered. "It can heal a demigod." I wasn't gonna mention how eating it was life threatening. He had enough to worry about. I turned back around, and I saw the bleeding subside. However, Brianna was still unconscious. I looked at Lakyn, and realized that she was thinking the same thing that I was, thank the gods (or the fates).

"We need to take her to camp," Lakyn said.

"What camp?" Brianna's stepmother asked. I exchanged another glance with Lakyn, trying to decide how much I should tell. The Mist had obviously erased all memory of Anna, which meant that the woman wasn't a mortal that could see through the Mist. Therefore, she would most likely not need to know about camp. It was dangerous enough that some were born with the ability to see through the Mist. You're probably wondering by now; what is the Mist? Well, it's a magical veil that covers up mythical creatures and beings. Really, what it does is bend reality to fit what the mortals' minds can handle. For example, when most mortals see Camp Half-Blood, they see strawberry fields. Or, when a mortal sees a centaur, they'll see a full horse. Or, when a mortal sees a harpy, they might see a pigeon. Or...well, you get the idea. Anyhow, we try not to reveal our secrets if mortals don't already know them. Luckily, Brandon spoke, saving me. "Why don't you go home, Veronica? We can talk-"

"Fine," Veronica said. "But I want an explanation of this tomorrow."

"Alright," he said. She turned and left. I hear the door open and close, then he turned to us. "This camp. Is it safe?"

"Yes," I said. "Extremely. Actually, it's the only safe place for people like us. Did-"

"Yes. Her mother mentioned it to me before she left," Brandon said.

"So, you understand that she won't be safe anywhere else," Lakyn said. "The camp may be her only chance at this point."

"I understand. But, the monsters...they didn't appear until now. Why?" Brandon asked. Now, that was a good question. But, quite honestly, I didn't have an answer. I shook my head.

"It might be of another magic, her mother's, perhaps," I said. "Most demigods only survive until they turn twelve. The fact that Brianna-" Lakyn cut me off. "Luke, we need to leave. We're going to attract monsters, and end up killing Brandon."

"Right," Brandon said. I could tell by his tone that he was still confused. I didn't blame him. I mean, he needed some answers. He had an upset girlfriend, a perfect night ruined. All because of some deadbeat goddess. Honestly, sometimes I wanted to track down the Olympian parents and slap them. I don't really care who reads this. And, yes, Zeus, this goes for you too! Thalia wouldn't be a tree right now if it wasn't for you! rant is over (for now). I tuned back in to the conversation. "So, I guess I won't see her again."

"You might," I said. "It depends on how powerful her mother is. Children of Aphrodite and Demeter aren't that powerful, so they can live outside of camp with minimal training." I was cut off rudely by Lakyn.

"LUKE!" Lakyn snapped. "Come on!"

"I'm coming!" I replied somewhat indignantly. I mean, Annabeth may have thought that I was weird, but I wasn't stupid, for the gods' sake!

"Good-bye." Brandon looked after Lakyn and me as we climbed back out the window, onto Porkpie and Storm, respectively. He handed Brianna through window to me. I rode with her on Storm because she was still unconscious. We headed back to camp, Brandon looking after us, probably wondering how his daughter was, and what he was supposed to say to his girlfriend.

A/N: I'm sorry that this was such a blah chapter. I was kinda at a loss for ideas...this was more of stage-setting/filler. I promise, the next chapters will be more interesting...esp. for what I have planned!!

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