Chapter 5

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*Back at Jerome Horwitz Elementary School, the animation has return to 2-D, Melvin continued laughing hysterically*

*Melvin laughing hysterically*

Melvin: With these powers, I can do anything I wanted to do! Get my rescept, make people pay for making fun of me, and take over the town!

Gooch: But you can't do that, without a permit!

Melvin: I don't care! (laughing hysterically) But, before I took over the world

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Melvin: I don't care! (laughing hysterically) But, before I took over the world. I think I take the elite private school's VIP tour.

*Melvin pushes a few buttons on the teletrasportation device and changes the location from Tarabiscoville to elite private school's VIP tour*

*Melvin laughs as he teleported to the elite private school's VIP tour*

*At the elite private school's VIP tour*

Tour Guide: Ladies and gentlemen, girls and boys, welcome to elite private school's VIP tour.

*Melvin appear*

Tour Guide: Uh, excuse me, do you attend this school?

Melvin: Oh. I do.

Tour Guide: Then welcome aboard. On with the tour.

*Back with Connor, Greg, and Amaya who are have a argued with George on the video communication*

George (on video communication): Your costumes have animal theme superpowers?!!? What kind of kids are you?

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George (on video communication): Your costumes have animal theme superpowers?!!? What kind of kids are you?

Connor: You scrambled PJ Robot's atoms and cause the trouble in daylight?!!? What kind of kids are you?

Erica (on video communication): Come on! I know that George and Harold may cause problems, but they fix them in the end!

George (on video communication): Look, I need you guys to...

Greg: Uh, like we care about what you need.

Amaya: As long as PJ Robot is okay...

George (on video communication): No!

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