private chat

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Dev created a chat called "main cast and kellie.

(Mari, Bobby, linds, Liza, Rich, Rick and Kellie)

Dev: hey everyone has anybody seen the new article online

Dev: hey everyone has anybody seen the new article online

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Mari: not cool dev

Bobby: seriously dev

Linds: not the time dev kellie don't worry we know Uncle Johnny didn't do anything

Kellie: thanks linds but I've only just seen it as Amber threatened me to keep out of it so don't have much choice it's fine guys and dev next time check who is the chat next time.

Bobby:u OK though kellie I'm here if u need me anytime.

Liza: only just saw this sorry dev but kellie is right and is it true the article though

Rich: really Eliza you had to ask that

Rick: not cool dev or you Eliza

Liza: what I just wanted to know

Bobby: not cool guys leave kellie out of it

Linds: kellie ignore them we know the truth Uncle Johnny wouldn't hurt a fly let alone someone he loves

Kellie: thanks guys but if you really want to know what happened those bruises are mine, not Amber's she did it to me not my dad so thanks come to me first before you accuse my dad those publishers just want a story, and thank you Bob, Marie, Ricky, Richard and Lindsay for having my back.

Kellie has left the chat

Lindsay: wow well done Eliza so not right or u Devon

Bobby: Not right Devon or even you Eliza get your facts straight.

Marie: wtf Eliza kellie we are here if u need to talk

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