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dev: what's happened to kellie why is she in the hospital

linds: you are nosey Devon but she got in an accident and is in a coma till she can breathe on her own or wakes up they're going to try and wake her up in the next couple of days to see if she will not they're going to turn off the machines but we don't know how the accident happened or anything at the moment as nobody has come forward the as driver left her for dead

Liza: omg hopefully she pulls through and I'm sorry about the other day guys

Ricky: so you should be Eliza and Lindsey and Bob send our love to Depp family

Richard: omg send my love to the deeps, please

Bob: I will do bros but right now all we can do is pray and hope she comes through as I don't know what will happen if she doesn't as I'll be lost without her in my life

Marie: she will pull through she's a fighter and she's a strong woman she will come through this

Chris: omg  Devon and Eliza you both need to apologise once she comes around and send my love to the deeps please and like Marie said she will pull through

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2023 ⏰

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