27- Let's Be Civil

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You all chose: Interrogate Kira!

Roll for cooperation!

1 is not at all cooperative, 6 is absolutely helpful!





Can't always be lucky 🤷‍♀️

short chapter since an immediate choice needs to be made!


You stare blankly down at the coffee table in poor attempt at ignoring the spirit outside.

"I think I'm going to talk to him."

Mista looks at you with an odd expression, not in a manner that convinces you of his assumption of your sanity, but rather in a way that shows his feelings of being left out of the conversation. 

He pouts, he gripes under his breath, he does every little insignificant thing to get your attention, and none of it works, particularly because you do not care.

You take in a breath of confidence as you leave your seat, Manny, though at first attempting to follow you, deciding to stay behind with your escort. Perhaps that little alarm in his head had gone off again, that something dangerous was nearby. 

The moment you broke into the open air of Morioh, his eyes were on you. The space around him had not a deathly abyssal glow like Risotto, though a poisonous pink that looked to spark with excitement.

"I didn't think I'd see you so soon," You say, sensing Risotto come up behind you. "I thought you'd be bound to the street you died on."

Kira seemed irked by your notice. The hot cloud around him flinched at your recognition, animating his own feelings, you assumed, about being seen. 

"You see me." He says. "So easily."

"Well, you're no master at being subtle."

"I was, a lifetime ago."

"Subtle enough to get caught in such a damning position you changed your identity to a family man."

He eyes you in the same manner a predator would regard its next meal. "And just how much do you know about me?"

"I know enough,"  

"Well, that simply won't do. I'm afraid you'll have to be taken care of, as all liabilities do."

Risotto is ever silent behind you, waiting for some sort of que to split Kira down the center. You don't give him one, not yet.

Readers Choice! How will you confront Kira?

>He won't talk without a fight (Flip a coin on if you win)

>De-escalate, AKA, run away like hell. Manny and Mista will have to catch up with you somehow. (Roll for fortune)

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