Hazel Grace

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I woke up with the doorbell ringing, and opened my eyes, but didn’t see anything. I wasn’t used to being blind yet,so I didn’t know who it could be, and looking through the peephole wouldn’t help. I got off my bed, and put my hands on my bed. I walked around feeling the edges of the walls of my house. I got to the door after about two minutes.

“Hello Isaac.” I heard someone said at the door.

“Hello, umm, ok you probably know I’m blind, so I’m new at this.” I said.

“Yes, I am Augustus Waters, your best friend.” I heard Augustus say.

“Hi Augustus. Let me guess, you’re here to talk about Hazel.” I said annoyingly. Ever since he met Hazel, we haven’t been talking. All he ever talked about now is Hazel, and not my breakup or my blindness.

“Correct! Can I come in?” Augustus said.

“Mmm, yeah, sure, I guess.” I said, opening the door wider and falling against the wall that the door was attached to.

“Guess what I got for Hazel Grace?” Augustus asked me.

“What did you get her.” I said annoyed, trying to close the door.

“I got her tickets to Amsterdam!” Augustus said excitedly.

“Good for her. Now can we go playCounterinsurgence 2: The Price of Dawn?” I asked, getting annoyed by Augustus’ Hazel obsession.

“Yes, of course.” Augustus said, obviously wanting to talk more about Hazel.

He set up the game as I tried to find the couch. Even though I can’t see the screen anymore, the game is still fun to play. It’s a lot more fun than listening to Augustus talk about Hazel all day. Both ways he is going to talk about her, but this way I am entertained as well.

“Amsterdam is going to be fun! I had to get it for her because she spent her one Wish to go to Disneyland with her parents.” Augustus said.

“Ok.” I said slouching on the couch.

“She is so cute.” Augustus said.

“I honestly don’t care.” I said annoyed.

“Why don’t you see what I see in Hazel Grace?” Augustus said.

“First thing, I can’t see. Second, I was with Monica.” I said pissed off at this boy.

“Still. How can you not fall in love with Hazel?” Augustus said with a sigh.

“I don’t know. She’s not my type. I am still trying to get over Monica, so can’t you shut up?” I said as patiently as I could.

“How is she not your type?” Augustus said.

“Just... Shut... Up...” I said.

“I can’t stop talking about her. She is so beautiful. Her soft brunette hair. Her dashing green eyes,” Augustus started, but then I started to ignore him. He gets annoying when he talks about Hazel, “Don’t you agree?” Gus asked after about two minutes.

“Sorry, what? I zone out when you start fangirling over Hazel.” I said.

“I’m not fangirling. I am simply talking about my girlfriend.” Gus said.

“Your girlfriend. You guys are dating now.” I said while kept playing the game.

“I believe so.” he said while I’m assuming saving some of the children, “Where are you going?” he asked.

“What do you mean? I’m going the right way.” I said trying to guess where I was in the game.

“No you’re not. Well, it’s getting late. I have to tell Hazel Grace about the Amsterdam tickets tomorrow. I would like to tell her early without being tired.” Augustus said, as I heard the TV turn off.

“You could have at least left it on.” I said, getting up and trying to find the TV.

“Sorry. I have to go.” Augustus said, as I heard his foot going up the stairs.

The doctors were right. My other senses would become better after I was blind. Not good though, but better. I heard Augustus walk up the stairs. I heard a metal sound hitting the wooden steps, then Augustus’ foot again. This process repeated itself a couple times, until I was away from earshot. I finally found the TV and turned it on again. When I finally figured out how to find the play button, I played to try to forget about Monica.

Monica promised she would be here forever. She said always, but she lied. She left me because I was becoming blind. She didn’t want to leave a blind person. Who does that? Promises you she will stay with you always, and leaves you because you are becoming blind? I had cancer before, and she still said always. I assumed maybe I would become blind sooner or later, but I didn’t think Monica would ever leave me. I guess I was wrong.

All I heard was the sound of the TV making the “You’re dead” sound effect. I ended up falling asleep on the couch with the sound effect and thinking about Monica.

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