I woke up the next morning to the sound of a beautiful waterfall. I look over and see Austin, he was lying against me, and he was spooning me. It was warm and I felt safe in his arms, but something else was poking me.... in my butt, of course, I knew it was a normal thing and he was in good health and young. It was not his fault, and I did not blame him for something his body did naturally, but it made me uncomfortable that he was stiff and poking my butt.
I was trying not to wake him up, and I wanted to try and stand to see if I was able to walk, he was supposed to sew up my leg today so it can heal. I also wanted to try and walk cause I needed to pee.
I was so gentle and careful trying to get up, managed to do so, and turned around and he looked so cute still sleeping, his face was resting on his arm. As I was standing, my body was so sore and stiff from laying on the ground, I could not wait to get that bed up in here today, would be better than the floor. The fire went out during the night, but we had some light coming in from the entrance, it was very bright.
I really needed to rinse off, I smelled like fish and saltwater it was absolutely disgusting. I exited the cave and walked down to the open lake, I scoop up some water and drink some, before going to pee in some nearby bushes, felt good to empty my bladder, my legs felt so weak and my body ached, and now my back was hurting. I had sand stuck to my body, from laying ashore those few long days.
I decided to strip naked and go into the lake, I washed off my clothes first or what was left of them, my shirt was so shredded, and my pants had holes over them but they covered the important parts. I hoped Austin would not wake up any time soon, from the work he did yesterday, I needed some privacy, I did not need him seeing me naked, even though at this rate I really did not mind.
I was done washing my clothes, and I laid them on a dry rock and let them dry in the warm sun. I went over to the waterfall after and stood under it rinsing out my long snarled hair. I felt something brush past my feet it was little fish, which meant we would be able to hunt for fish, the freshwater also felt nice in my open wound. I kept my eyes open and just rinsed under the water. I even closed my eyes for a quick second.
"Chelsea?..." I heard his deep voice, I turn around and open my eyes and see him standing at the shore of the lake. "Good morning," he says and looks towards the sky since he noticed I was naked, but he could not help but look.
I giggle and blush deeply "You can look I don't mind, it's just a body, you should join me you probably feel nasty too and got sand in places where sand doesn't belong."
He goes silent for a moment and hesitated and then he nods "yeah I do feel gross."
"Don't worry won't turn around until you are fully under the water if you want me to of course."
It was quiet for a few moments, I thought of his body and how he was hard this morning but I get those thoughts out of my mind or try to.
I turn around and face him seeing his torso out of the water he was washing his clothes now and I ask him "The water is nice huh?"
"Yeah you were right, I needed this my skin was feeling so dehydrated."
He finishes his clothes and puts them next to mine to dry, he got most of the water out of them. I kept my distance as he washed, I watched his hands brush up and down his body and across his abs, I shivered to watch him and bit my lip. He had gone under the water for a few moments before his head popped back up.
"How are you feeling today cutie?" he asks me
"Oh, uh good, feeling a little better."
"Did you sleep ok? I hope I kept you warm enough"
"Yeah sorry I made you feel like a popsicle"
He giggles "I don't mind just wish I could have helped a little more, I do plan on setting up that tent and bed today, it's a queen-sized bed, and there are pillows for us as well, and blankets so we'll be more comfortable tonight."
As we were talking I could tell he was looking over my body. We were both underwater enough to cover our private parts, but the water was crystal clear so that did not do much. His eyes were drawn to my breasts, and I kind of looked down below as well. I knew we were in much more serious situations, but I could not help but fall for him.
"You know you are so sweet and so handsome, and you care about me even though we just met." He blushes and turns away "Haha you can't take a compliment can you?"
"You are right, I am very bad at taking compliments." He agrees "Should we go to the shore today and write S.O.S. so maybe we can try and get rescued?"
"We can try, but we may be here for a long time, it's such a quiet and small island, and like I said the news believes that there were no survivors, our families..."
He cut me off before I could finish my thought and he rubs my cheek "We may be here for a while but it's okay, it gives me more time with you, and to get to know you, let us stay positive here okay?"
"You are right, thank you," I say and think how he put my mind to ease, he was very good at doing that and I appreciated that, my mind tendered to wander a lot.
We finish up in the water and we had been in there a few hours, we get dressed and head down to the shore, we write our message before carrying the tent and queen-sized bed to the cave, setting the tent up first, and then the bed inside with the pillows, we were tired already, but I was so excited, I laid down on the bed and it was so comfy.
"Austin... we have a bed tonight, aren't you excited? And we have blankets" I smile and he looks at me "You are so cute do you know that?" He asks me and I nod blushing deeply.

Stranded Strangers
RomansaChelsea was your average girl looking for a summer getaway and Austin was your usual laid-back guy looking for an adventure. These two end up deserted on an island together when their cruise ship sank to the bottom of the ocean. During their fight f...