By Chance

269 19 1


"What are you trying to prove, huh? You think the teacher will give you extra points for what you did earlier?!" The little boy, who looked like the leader of their small group of bullies, shouted in a high-pitched, annoying voice.

Junseo, the owner of the voice, as young as 13, felt entitled and superior among the other students in their high school, specifically over this bright, transferee boy, Yang Jungwon. Jungwon never fought back. He never told his parents he was being bullied by this group of students, who only looked good in front of the teachers.

He only came to study. As he transferred to this high school in the 8th grade, he did not know what to expect. He thought that reminding the teacher about a given homework was right. He thought exposing a classmate who he caught cheating was right. But, unfortunately, with the consequences he is facing done by his classmates, it feels wrong.

"What do you think are you doing!?" A voice suddenly came out of nowhere.

For the record, someone actually caught the situation, and after so many times it had happened, this is the first time.

Jungwon's body felt numb. He was scared to death. No matter how many times his parents taught him to tell them when things do not go right, there will always be fear that tells him to not speak up because of all the threats that came out of the bully's mouth. Until this boy that seemed to belong in another class, or probably a higher year, came into the picture.

"Leave him alone or I will call the teacher!" Jungwon, who was pushed to the ground earlier, looked up to see a pretty face. He had fair skin and a coconut head, which fits his face just right. He looked neat, just like how he was when he entered school earlier.

"My superhero," Jungwon murmured, watching the older man with shiny eyes.

"Here," the boy extended his hands to pull Jungwon up. "You alright? Don't cry...Jung...won? Don't cry, Jungwon!" He tried to read Won's name tag and smiled at him, hesitating to wipe the younger's tears. 

"I'm okay...thank you, Sunoo...." Jungwon took a glimpse at Sunoo's name tag and immediately pulled him in a tight hug. Sunoo, who was not accustomed to the sudden physical contact, just smiled and initiated pulling away just seconds after.

"Don't worry. You can call me hyung! We're friends now, okay?" Jungwon looked at him smiling at their height difference. He might be a year older, then. "I am the secretary of the division's student council, by the way. I'll immediately report this to the higher-ups, alright?" Sunoo assured the boy who looked very worried.

Jungwon nods, internally confirming why his name sounded familiar. He was one of those students introduced as their officers during the first week of school.

"N-No! You don't have to do that..."

"Did they threaten you?"


Sunoo clicked his tongue, hearing the younger kid tell the truth. He can't let this go.

Suddenly, Sunoo's phone went off.

"Oh, I gotta go! I was on my way to the council. Do you wanna come?"

"No no, I'm good, hyung. My father will come here any moment. Thank you again." He smiled shyly.

"No problem. I'll make sure this won't happen again. See you around!"


The weeks gradually became busier, with all the events that are coming up, as well as academic demands, they had to double their time.

"Sun! See you at the library, yeah?"

Group activities there, council responsibilities there, it was very stressful for Sunoo.

"Sure, I'll be there, just need to submit the minutes of our meeting earlier to the president." Despite the demanding circumstances, Sunoo never fails to flash a smile, may it be to someone he knows or just a random student he makes eye contact with in the hallways.

"No prob. I'll bring your things with the group, so I can save you a spot."

After Sunoo attends to all the duties he had to do, he finally heads to the library to meet his group mates for an activity they had to do. 

"Sun, here!" Sunoo hears a hushed voice and sees his friend waving to catch his attention.

After his part was discussed, Sunoo decides to start and not waste any more time.

"I'll just find some references, okay?" Sunoo says, excusing himself and walking in between the tall shelves of books and encyclopedias.

A dark blue book, which seemed to be out of place for some reason, caught Sunoo's attention. He gently pulls it from the shelf and browsed it, looking at its table of contents to see if their math lesson might be there, considering it was a book about the said subject, too.

Weirdly, there was a yellow paper sticking out, which bothered Sunoo. 

"What the heck?" 

He turns the page and found a yellow sticky note.

'No one wants to be friends with me. I hate it here. -wonwon :('

Sunoo felt a pang in his heart. During all the time he spent in his school, all he felt was welcomed and loved. It hurts him that some people actually felt this way. With that, he picks a pen from his pocket and started writing on the same note, not removing it from the page.

'I'll be your friend, don't worry :)'

Sunoo wrote, smiling at how his penmanship looked prettier than usual. Of course, he did want to appear decent and serious to the one who wrote it.

"Sunoo-yah! Found any?"

Sunoo quickly shuts the book he was holding and faced Yujin, also his group mate, who is holding a stack of different Math books.

"U-Uhm, yeah!"

"'Kay! Add it here, I'm gathering our sources."

"Uh, no no, this is not the one, I found one on another shelf! I'll be back with it." Sunoo nervously laughs while she looks at him suspiciously.

"Just be quick then, we have to get it started."


As soon as Yujin leaves the aisle, Sunoo opens the book to the note and smiles. He then places it in the exact place he found it, hoping "wonwon" would find it and somehow feel a sense of belonging.

As much as he tried to do these secretly, little did he know that someone was watching him from afar.

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