Chapter 8

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"I will try to see you later okay?"

You were wearing a light brown long raincoat dress with little bear heads in front of the pockets and the hood had bear ears on it. While you wore black wool leggings and brown rain boots. Looking down at Cardamon who wore a blank expression as he nodded while he told you halfway he will walk by himself.

"Okay bye, Cardamon!"

He was still giving you the cold shoulder sadly. You are unaware of what had triggered this reaction in him but you don't want to press him for answers either and make things worse. He was going out to do stuff today and he didn't specify what and just didn't want you to come with him. You called for Sticky and she happily ran back to you while barking and sitting down.

"Alright Sticky please make sure he gets back safe! I trust you. Here's compensation for you."

You dug through your pockets and pulled out a little baggie of dog treats as she softly nabbed the bag in her mouth you gave her a quick pet on her slightly wet fur as she ran back to Cardamon who was waiting while you waved at the two of them you headed back to the main area first you went to your house to pick up Bee's cake and present and then went up to Bee's place and knocked on the door. She opened the door and smiled at you "Oh Y/N Hey!" You smiled back at her "Hey Bee! I wanted to come and celebrate your birthday with you I remember you told me a while ago the date so I want to bring you some things!" She looked surprised "Wow thank you!" You walked inside as she opened the door wider for you to enter then closed it as you made your way to the living room putting the cake on the window sill next to the music box since there really wasn't anywhere to put it. "Hello, Puppycat!" He looked at you blankly and got up from the couch eyeing the cake. "I was just about to open up the music box my dad made come to sit by the window sill with me and Puppycat!" You moved the cake to the couch and sat in its place while Bee sat opposite of you. Puppycat jumped up into your lap and sat down. The three of you looked down at the music box as Bee then pressed the button it started singing.

"Your dad has an amazing singing voice"

A small piece of candy started gravitating up which Bee grabs breaks in half as the music box emits a bright light nearly blinding you. Bee is smiling happily as she looks down at the candy in her hands.

"Hahaha, nice! Right down the middle."

She looked over your and Puppycat's faces "Do you two want a piece?" She was about to attempt to break one of the pieces smaller till Puppycat spoke up standing up on your lap.

"Absolutely not. I don't eat things... that explode anymore."

He then proceeded to jump off your lap and faceplant onto the floor. You smiled at Bee "I will have a piece"  She hands the other piece to you and you felt a jolt and the feeling on your tongue was like a million pop-rock candies. "Aw I should have saved some for Cardamon we used to eat these together" your eyes widened "You two have the same birthday??" She nodded as you were low-key freaking out inside maybe that was why he has been so distant! You were thinking of what to get him.

"I usually go to the arcade on my birthday. But it's raining again."

She looked out the window while you and Puppycat looked at her "Ooo an arcade??" You haven't been to an arcade in forever. Puppycat was wondering about the arcade. "An arcade?" The little boot was still on his face but he didn't seem to mind.

"Yeah! It's got some games I like to use to refresh my memory every year. My dad used to take me there." Both you and Puppycat looked at each other and nodded "Let's go!"

"Well, let's get you some rain gear." You nodded at her declaration. "Yeah, it's raining really bad. You fixed your teddy bear theme outfit and once Bee had finished getting Puppycat and herself ready the three of you were off.

While walking you noticed Sticky had come home already and was in her little house outside. Poor thing you went up to the house and pet her while she licked your hand happily. As you walked off with Bee you didn't notice how she was coughing up a diamond ring which freaked Puppycat out as he pushed you behind the trashcan and then pushed Bee inside of it while he hopped in as well. "What the heck?" Seems like Bee was confused as well since she asked him about it.

"Puppycat, why are we hiding in the garbage can and Y/N is outside of it."

You stand up and look down at the trash can at the both of them while Puppycat spoke "That animal is after my hand in marriage. Your unrelenting landlord wants us together, but I'd rather DIE." Woah that was harsh you were too busy helping Bee out of the trash can and you followed her making her way toward the dumpster on the side of the house. "Okay, well, I and Y/N are going to hide in the recycle instead of the trash so we can both fit somewhere together." Then Bee just proceeds to hop inside the recyclable dumpster and holds her hand out which you warily take and pulls you in with her god-like strength inside. Which leads you to crash into her "Ouch.." She apologizes while the two of you sit inside the dumpster together talking about Puppycat's odd behavior. It was until Deckard had opened up the dumpster that you and Bee stare up at him. You wondered how he didn't notice the two of you right away at least Bee since she was wearing a brighter color than you. You see him looking at a golden envelope before dropping it inside right in between you and Bee. The both of you looked at each other and then decided to open each of the dumpster ends together with the both of you scaring Deckard well mostly you because you yelled while Bee said the greeting calmly.


He screamed before stepping back and looking at the both of you on each side of the dumpster. "Um, Sorry did I wake you guys?" Then Bee and him start talking boring you since it was just basic small talk as you were sitting with the lid open and your hands on the side like Bee except you rested your head on them. While looking down at Puppycat you notice him going up to Deckard kicking him in the leg. You let out a laugh it seems like Deckard didn't really mind which hurt Puppycats ego especially after Deckard imitated his little gibberish voice. One thing that Deckard asked Bee though is what had caught your attention.

"Wow. How old are you?"

She casually replied to him "Really old. Super old." Not this again you really hope she would tell you why she is so old and why everyone else on the island says that but no one seems to give you a straight answer or they don't know. You have resorted to asking Bee at one point but she never gave a straight answer and just said she's old. You look over at Puppycat protesting bringing Deckard along and you retorted to him "Don't be like that Puppycat! It's Bee's birthday!" Deckard looked over at you "You can understand what he says?" You nodded "Yup and he's being rude" you eyed Puppycat meanwhile he just glared back at you. You nearly broke your neck while trying to flip forward out of the dumpster then Deckard had to help you out.

"Your so kind Deckard what will we do without you."

He looked at your earnestly and gave a small laugh "Oh I don't know" while Bee hopped out of the dumpster like nothing. Honestly, without him, the Cat cafe would be a wreck which Howell had told you once since Decked was one of the only few of his siblings he could boss around that didn't argue back with him. Plus he would always help you out with whatever you needed and would help you with cooking which honestly did help you in the long run since you can make edible food. Baking desserts were mostly your thing so you two would help each other in the kitchen at the cat cafe. Although that one time when he opted to make that dessert that caught on fire you were not aware of at the time he had decided to do that by himself.

"Well, let's head out then!"

All four of you had begun to follow Bee in the direction she was walking. You kept a close eye on Puppycat since he was still looking upset and after a while and opted to just carry him after noticing him getting smacked in the face by multiple bushes. He was about to wriggle out of your hold and decided not to since he got tired of getting smacked in the face. You were definitely your mother and father's kid he still remembers when on the ship they were just the support but they helped out in any way they could, especially with Bee's father being a smart baby but that's a story for another time.

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