Chapter 9

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"We're here! I guess I remember it a little bit differently.."

You looked up at the arcade which was in ruins making you look at it worried. "Maybe a lot differently.." You guys made your way up to the boarded area Deckard looked at the wooden boards with a worried face. "Um, it looks closed." Bee then proceeded to walk forward more and punch it while the dust went flying everywhere and walked on in while Puppycat jumped out of your arms right inside.

"After you mi'ladies" while holding her arm out and gesturing towards the whole place. You and Deckard coughed looking around at the old arcade. "Woah this is so cool!" You looked around in awe same as Puppycat and Deckard "Wow. I didn't know there was such a big arcade near us." You nodded as well not knowing this arcade was here. Bee began to explain how her dad had made a majority of these games himself and then the four of you started heading towards the games. While pressing a button Bee realized the power was completely out.

"Dang it I was so excited to play"

you sighed sadly as you then sat down on the hassock chair near the game. "Don't worry Y/N! There should be a generator... right over there!" She walked towards it and then kissed the generator which lit up around half of the building making you glance around in awe. You hopped off of the chair as Deckard poked you in the arm signaling Bee was about to give a tour. As you walked next to them you noticed the baking game.

"Haha look Deckard a perfect game for you!"

The four of you stood around it. "Yeah, it's a cooking gameeee" He let out a chuckle looking at both you and Bee. "Okay." He grabbed a coin out of his pocket and put it inside the game then proceeded to play it making small commentary. You gave a confused look at the game wondering how he managed to burn the cake even though the game just takes it out accordingly. You laughed at the little mouse on the screen and patted Deckard on the back. "At least you tried." Bee then pointed out the score difference

"It's okay, Deckard. Look! You beat my score!"

You laughed along with them as you then looked at the time on your phone. Realizing you still need to find Cardamon a gift as it was going to be late soon. "Aw, I have to go you guys... I will see the three of you later! Happy Birthday again Bee!" You gave the three of them a hug as you left the arcade. Bee and Deckard gave out awws as you left but didn't want to force you to stay either. As you made your way down the forest path you looked around the area seeing how pretty it is. Finally, you made it back home and head down the bridge to the bigger store that was little ways across. After a while of searching, you found the perfect gift for him as you finished paying and walking out on the bridge you heard a honk from nearby. It was Crispin's clown pickup truck stopping next to the sidewalk. You looked over and saw Crispins motioning for you to get in. You hopped inside the pickup truck and smiled "Hey Crispin!" He looked forward while starting to drive off back home.

"You are so dumb what were you thinking walking around in this rain?"

You opted to just stay quiet this time, since usually you and Crispin would just go back and forth but he genuinely seemed concerned this time in his own way. "I had to pick up something, I was fine though I was just headed home." He wanted to facepalm at you "Don't you have a car or something to get around?" You felt embarrassed "" you whispered the last part quietly "I don't know how to drive" while side-eyeing towards the window that all of a sudden had all of your attention.

"What? Really?"

He looked over at you for a split second while you nodded. He sighed while rolling his eyes "Well just call one of us if you need a ride or something... I'm sure one of us will take you where you need to go." You smiled wide at his remark while he looked away from you and back at the road with a nonchalant face meanwhile he was freaking out inside. "Aww thank you Crispin your family is always so nice to me..." Neither of you said anything after that opting for silence while you two had a peaceful car ride together. Unbeknownst to you Bee and Deckard were discussing his Cooking Prince Academy Letter that Bee had found and kept to herself while in the dumpster. He was worried about all of you being without him and Bee had reassured him she will help take care of everyone in his place.

After arriving back at the complex, Crispin invited you over to hang out which you accepted. But first, you needed to do something so you told him you will be there in a bit he nodded and headed into the Wizard family's house. You fixed the lavender bowtie on the bear and placed it inside a small box wrapping it up and then knocked on Cardamon's door. There was no response you assumed he was sleeping and left the now dry front steps and walked off to the Wizard family house. Upon arriving you see Crispin waiting for you in the kitchen while eating a bag of chips. You went to grab some from him but he turned away "No these are mine" he kept grabbing handfuls and stuffing them into his mouth "But sharing is caring!" The two of you go back and forth until you hear Cas yelling out something.

"Hey. Everyone! Deckard's going to culinary school!"

Crispin let go of the bag of chips and left you alone in the kitchen to go say bye to Deckard. You followed suit saying hello to everyone coming out of their rooms and managed to not get squished by all of the brothers trying to squeeze in through the door. Wesley was in the back along with Howell getting pushed inside while you waited behind them. Finally, they pushed through the door, and everyone went flying everywhere, you managed to just hop beside Cas and Deckard with Tim crawling over to Cas's side. "Hey, guys-" the both of them looked over at you till Deckard got snatched up by four of the brothers leaving you, Cas, and Tim on the side of the bed. You smiled at the two of them taking Deckard's spot on the side he was on next to Cas while watching the big cloud of crying men hugging Deckard. While watching Cas reached over and managed to pull Deckard out of the pile you moved over to make room and went back to your original spot.

"Look at me. Go find all your underwear, even the dirty ones, and shove them all in a bag. We will help you escape."

Just then Toast had broken a hole in the wall. "I heard the commotion. Which one of you hideous men will help me secure permanent revenge, room, and board?" You waved at Toast and she waved back at you. "Don't acknowledge her Y/N... I'm gonna fix that idiot." She dropped Deckard and went off to go fight Toast. You patted his head reassuringly, "don't worry Deckard everything will be fine here Bee and I will help take care of things around here!" Just as you said that a pan went flying above your head. You and Deckard screamed while you helped him fix his things in a bag and run out through Toast's hole in the wall quickly and out to the living room. You sighed exasperatedly as the two of you were finally safe (for now). The both of you laughed while sitting down on the couch. "Your family sure does love you!" honestly you assumed he would not want to leave anymore.

"I'm proud of you Deckard... for going on and living your dream at Cooking Prince Academy!"

He looked over at you almost wanting to tear up but didn't because you were already crying for him. "Don't forget us okay?" He patted your head "I'm not going to forget any of you" You smiled and looked out the window and saw how dark it was. You stood up and hugged him telling him goodbye and to text you when he can. He hugged you back telling you the same thing as you walked out of the house. "Tell your family I said bye as well!" He nodded as he waved bye to you and you waved back. While walking to your small house you quickly passed by Cardamon's front door and didn't see the package there happy that he took it inside and that he got home. You finally arrived home changed into your PJs and collapsed in your bed.

(Major update as a thank you for everything! I wasn't sure if my story was going to gain as much attention as it did but I'm really happy that it did all thanks to you guys! I am hoping to make more original chapters instead of just sticking to the episodes cause its more fun for me hehe. Anyways! I will do another update on Christmas and then will be absent for a teeny bit! Thank you all for the comments, votes, and adding to your reading lists! :D)

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