09. on the road again

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The ride to the CDC was long and boring, no one in the car was really in a chatty mood after Jim. Katherine felt bad about leaving him behind to turn, but it was what he wanted, and she, along with everyone else, would have to accept that.

Once they arrived, they climbed out the vehicle, Harlow's hand was linked with her sisters, tightly, as the group came together, getting out their respective vehicles. A horrified gasp escapes Katherine's lips as she sees the scene before them.

Dead bodies litter the area around them, flies buzzed around the decaying bodies, Katherine felt the need to vomit, but she held it down.

The group quietly made their way through the maze of bodies, making sure not to step on one and disturb them. Katherine didn't know any of them, but she knew they must've gone out fighting.

Nightfall was nearby, and the last thing anyone wanted was to be outside, in the middle of the city at night. Maybe at camp it was more safe at night, because at least there they had vehicles and other precautions, but now they were out in the open, no doubt there were dozens of walkers nearby, waiting to feast on their flesh.

The smell of decaying bodies filled Katherine's nose, she had to use her sleeve to block out some of the smell, but due to the thin fabric, she was still able to smell the stench pretty well.

Words of profanity came out Katherine's mouth as they quickened their pace, the sky getting darker by the second, "Don't say these words" she whispered to her sister.

When they reach the shutter doors, Rick and Shane both try to push them open, but they don't budge. Shane then gave them a loud rattle, followed by a pound, the sound echoing for miles.

"Shane, you idiot!" Katherine quietly scolded, "Do you wanna alert every walker in the vicinity down on us?"

"There's nobody here" T-Dog speaks up from the back of the group.

"Then why are these shutters down?" Rick turned to face him.

"Walkers!" Daryl shouted, grabbing everyone's attention.

"Stay close" Katherine mumbled to Harlow, who whimpered, leaning in closer to her sister.

Katherine grabbed her knife out, it was her only weapon, she didn't have a gun like some of the other's did, and though she had only killed one walker with it, her knife was all she had. She hoped maybe sometime soon, she'd find a better weapon.

Or she'll just steal one one of the hand guns.

"You lead us into a graveyard!" Daryl growls at Rick.

"He made a call" Dale jumps to defend him.

"It was the wrong damn call!" Daryl growls back.

While all the adults argued, the children cried, Katherine was trying to calm her sister down, she finally snapped at the childish adults. "Just shut up! All of you!" Katherine snaps, "What do we do?" she turned to Rick, "Cause we can't stay here"

"She's right. We can't be here this close to the city after dark" Lori agrees with Katherine.

"Fort Benning, Rick– Still an option" Shane tells him.

"On what? No food, no fuel. That's 100 miles" Andrea butts in.

"125. I checked the map" Glenn adds.

"Oh, my God, someone just made a decision, now, before we die out here" Katherine snaps.

She was getting annoyed at the arguing at the worst possible time, they either needed to get inside the CDC somehow, or get into their vehicles and camp somewhere for the night and plan their next move. Because if they didn't move now, they'd be trapped in the city at night.

"She's right, forget Fort Benning. We need answers tonight, now" Lori agrees with her again. Katherine's glad at least someone at camp gets her and understands the severity of their problems right now.

"We'll think of something," Rick assures them both.

"How's that going for ya Rick? Because we need something now!" Katherine finds herself snapping at him, "Forget it, let's go" she made the decision.

Everyone seemed to agree with Katherine, as they all began to move back to their vehicles, "The camera– it moved" Rick informed them, stopping their actions.

"What?" Katherine asked in disbelief.

"You imagined it" Dale states.

"It moved," Rick repeated.

Shane grabs Rick's shirt, telling him it's dead, trying to get him to leave the place, since no one was there, and they had to leave at that very moment. Rick got out his grip and banged on the shutters like Shane did once before.

"Rick, we need to go!" Katherine shouted.

"There's no one there," Lori added.

"I know you're in there. I know you can hear me" Rick says to the camera.

"Everybody, get back to their cars now!" Shane shouted.

Katherine huffed, it's what she had been trying to do this whole time, but no one listened to the 16 year old when she said it, only the adult when he said it.

"Please, we're desperate. Please, help us. We have woman, children. No food, hardly any gas left" Rick continued yelling at the camera.

Lori left Carl in the care of Katherine, who held onto her other hand as she ran over to Rick to tell him to let it go and follow them. Katherine could feel both kids' hands shake, therefore, she knew she had to be strong, even if she was scared. She had to keep a level head, for the kids.

"Come on" she pulled Carl and Harlow along as Lori and Shane got Rick away from the doors.

They turned their backs to run, but as soon as they did. The shutter doors opened and light spilled out onto the group.

They were saved.


and we're onto the cdc part! excited to write this and get onto act two where we meet the greene's and Kat's love interest, like i said last chapter.

If it isn't obvious, with Kat's age, her love interest is Beth! I absolutely adore Beth and am so looking forward to writing their relationship <3

Also Kat and Lori <33 I know people don't like Lori too much, but in this book, they're gonna be close!

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