nepo baby

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after your shower you went on your phone to check your notifications, you noticed a celeb chisme page you followed had posted something so you went to check it out. you noticed a picture of memo and your dad exiting the taco place last night surfaced the internet. there was even one of him leaving your house??

" when the hell did they take that " you whispered confused.

you looked at the pictures and then the caption. the caption read " Actor Eugenio Derbez, y Portero de la Selection Mexicana Guilermo Ochoa getting tacos last night, could this be about the show or perhaps something or someone else?"

you rolled your eyes at the last part of the caption, and headed towards the comment section. which you probably should not have done.

you read some in your head, " isn't he going to be guest staring on la familia peluche!!" " OMG I'M SO EXCITED TO SEE HIM ON THE SHOW!!" " wait isn't he playing bibi's boyfriend"

you already knew them finding out that couldn't go well. besides being a great goal keeper for the national team, memo had a lot of fan girls at the time crazy fan girls in fact. i mean who could blame them, he is pretty good looking.

you continued scrolling through the comments till you found one that read, " ugh tbh i hate his daughter she's only on the show because he's literally the director & plays " ludovico" you rolled your eyes, and scrolled. to be honest you were used to the hate you received

there was just one comment that you hated getting, " she's such a nepo baby "

obviously you were well aware of the fact that both your parents were successful actors in the acting industry, but you hated being under their shadow. you were a very talented actress, but many didn't see that and labeled you as just another nepotism baby with no talent.

you worked hard to get to where you were, yeah you might have had a little help from your parents. but you never really asked them for any of their help.

after endless scrolling on the comment section of that post, you decided it was time to go to sleep when suddenly you got a notification. you were to tried to check and see who it was so you fell asleep.

@yosoy8a sent you a message

it was now the next morning, you had seen the notification that memo texted you last night but it was pretty late and you were sleepy. you rubbed your eyes a bit and rolled around the bed for a bit, till you finally decided it was time to get up. you looked over at your clock which had read " 8:45am"

" ugh it's too early" you went back to laying down and were now facing the right side of the bed you reached for your phone and once you unlocked you went to insta to check your notifications.

after scrolling through them you clicked on your dms you noticed it had been memo who had texted you last night. you quickly clicked on the dmed and read it.


hola! estaban ricos los tacos haha te quería preguntar que a que horas mañana?

hola buenos dias! sorry i feel asleep yesterday, is 12pm good?

after replying you continued scrolling through insta, you decided to checked your emails and noticed you had received the script. you read it and noticed that there would be a kissing scene between memo and you, it made sense because he would be playing your boyfriend. it was now about 9:10 am and memo had replied back to you.


buenos dias, si 12pm is good! also did you get the script yet??

yeah, i just finished reading it.


me too, it's pretty good. i'm gonna go get ready now here's my number that way you can call me when you're ready. (xxx) xxx-xxxx

sounds good! were would you want to meet up?

wherever is fine with me.

there's this nice coffee shop by my house if you want we could go there?

sounds good, if you want i can pass by your house and we can drive there together?

sure! i should probably get ready now

yeah me too, i'll call you later :)

sounds good!

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