kids menu

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the next day

you woke up and rolled around your bed a bit, until you felt another body underneath you. you had forgot that memo was on the bed as well, you quickly realized you were on top of him. after realizing this, you quickly stood up and said " memo, levántate"

you were now standing by the bed, he rolled around a bit and stretched till finally he opened his eyes. his soft brown eyes met yours, he had a tired look on his face, and his curls were a bit messy covering a bit of his face.

" que hora es" he mumbled, you turned to look at the alarm clock on your night stand, it read 9:32am.

" son las 9:32, get up" you said pushing his body a bit trying to get him to get up.

" ya voy" he rolled around a bit more until he finally got up. he was covered with a blanket, so when he got up from the bed you noticed he wasn't wearing a shirt. you looked at him, and noticed he wasn't completely ripped but he had pretty toned abs which was pretty hot. he noticed you looked at him up and down and he awkwardly said " oh, sorry me dio calor". he quickly grabbed his shirt and put it on.

" it's okay, should we go down to eat" you asked

" i wish i could, but i should probably head home" he said rubbing his eyes a bit trying to get himself to wake up.

" oh okay"

" what time does filming start" he asked.

" i think my dad said in the afternoon, como quiera yo le pregunto"

" ah okay, bueno ya me voy"

" okay, i'll see you later"

he walked down the stairs, and noticed that no one was there so he walked out the door and went on his way. meanwhile, you couldn't stop thinking about how good he looked when he woke up, with his perfect curls on his face... and you might have also been thinking about his abs as well.

you quickly snapped out of it, and walked towards the restroom to look at your self in the mirror. you noticed how messy your hair looked, you decided to put some music on before you entered the shower so you did.

once you were in the shower, after about 5 minutes you heard a knock from the front door. you quickly grabbed your towel and wrapped it around you and headed downstairs to see who it was.once you got to the front door, you realized it was memo.

you quickly opened it, but before you could say anything you noticed he was checking you out.
he quickly snapped out of it, and said " sorry por molestar, pero i forgot my phone"

" oh no esta bien, si quieres pasale y agaralo"

he stepped inside and quickly went up the stairs, you closed the door and waited a little confused, after a few seconds of waiting he came down. you were a bit more confused now considering he didn't seem to have his phone with him.

" did you find it?" you asked him looking at his empty hands.

"no, la verda es que i didn't leave it here" he said making you even more confused now.

" oh, entonces ?" you said before adding on " memo if you needed to use the restroom you could of just said so" you said laughing a bit.

he didn't say anything and instead just walked up to you while not breaking eye contact. at this point, his body was now right in-front of you looking down at you. " fuck i'm sorry it's i just felt the need to do that again" he said before attaching his lips on to yours.

you were a bit shocked at what he did, but you grabbed on as hard as you could to your towel and kissed him back. after a few seconds of the kiss, he let go and said " fuck, you're lips are so soft"

" gracias" you said smirking a bit, after realizing what had just happened.

" ya me tengo que ir, but do you want to grab coffee in a bit" he said not wanting to leave, but having to.

" um.. sure pero primero deja termino de bañarme" you awkward smiling, and holding on to your towel wrapped around your body. he looked at you up and down for a quick second and then smirked.

" bueno, alrato te ablo" he said before placing another quick kiss on to your lips. you smiled a bit after, not sure what thar was all about but you didn't complain since he was a pretty good kisser as well.

you closed the door after he had stepped out, and proceeded to walk up to finish up your shower. while in the shower you couldn't stop thinking about his lips, they were so soft and smooth and kinda tasted like strawberries.

you smiled a bit remembering the kiss that had occurred not to long ago, and turned off the water to get out.

after your shower, you got out and changed into something basic considering you had to shoot today and you weren't sure what outfit your character would be wearing yet. you did the same with your makeup, you just threw on some mascara and went over your lips and cheeks with a lip tint.

you walked out of the restroom and into your room. you noticed your phone had gone off so you walked over to where it was charging and checked to see what it was. after unlocking it, you noticed memo had texted you a random address and said to met him there.

you didn't think much of it, and just proceeded to finish up getting ready and leave. after walking downstairs, you noticed your parents had just gotten home.

" y/n adonde vas" your dad said looking up at you coming down from the stairs a bit confused on where you were going.

" um i'm going to meet memo real quick for coffee" you said hoping he wouldn't ask about last night considering he had stayed over, you kinda figured he was too sleepy to have proceeded what you had asked him.

" ah bueno, remember shooting is at 3 i'll send you both the location" he said, it was currently 12 so you still had time.

you kissed them goodbye and walked out the door, you still weren't sure what or where you would be meeting memo mainly because you hadn't seen the address before. after inputting it into the gps you turned on the car and drove off.

after the gps had said you arrived, you were a bit confused considering that there was no coffee shop in the location the gps was directing you to. instead there was a small local restaurant which seemed to have a lot of people waiting to get some. you looked around for a bit after parking and noticed memo was inside. you got down from your car and looked both ways before crossing the road.

" y/n" memo had said trying to get your attention on where he was. you noticed where his voice was coming from and walked over to his table.

" hola" you said smiling before quickly sitting down on the chair infront of him.

" perdon si te perdiste, this isn't really a coffee shop but i used to come here all the time as a kid and i figured it'd be fun to come here instead, they do sell coffee tho"

" that's okay, i was just a bit confused but the place looks nice and smells pretty good too" you said after getting the smell of coffee and food being cooked in the back kitchen. after you had said that, the waiter had come to your table and asked you both what you would be having.

" umm i'll have the pancakes with eggs and a cup orange juice please" he said looking up from the menu and at the waiter. you smiled after realizing he had ordered of the kids menu.

" you know you just ordered off the kids menu right?" he smiled and said " i know it's one of the best things on there menu"

THIRTEEN | memo ochoaWhere stories live. Discover now