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after you both were inside you headed upstairs towards your room. on the way up he looked around your house and noticed poster from movies your dad had been in and pictures of him through his career.

" i still can't believe your dad is eugenio derbez, i mean thats crazy he's literally been in almost every mexican show & movie" he said slightly fangirling.

" luck for me i got to go to each of those premieres" you said smiling, remembering a few of them.

" you're so lucky, i mean he's literally every mexican kid's childhood"

you laughed a bit after he had said that, you two were now upstairs and inside your room. once he walked in he quickly sat on your bed noticing how many stuffed animals you had on it. he managed to get your purple monkey and started playing with it.

you hadn't noticed this yet because you scrolling through your emails trying to find the script, but then you had remembered your dad had printed them out for you guys before he left.

" so, do you have a printer?" he said making you look up at him.

"for?" you said noticing the bright purple monkey in his hands, you smiled a bit after remembering how you got that monkey.

" to print out the scripts" he said now messing with the arms of the monkey and making it dance.

" oh, no need my dad has the paper copy in his office, ahorita vengo" you said smiling at what he was doing. after, you walked out of the room and into your dads office, which happened to be next to your room.

you quickly grabbed the scripts, and started walking back to your room. you noticed memo now had two of your stuffed animals, the monkey and a yellow giraffe. he was making them dance together, which made you laugh a bit.

he heard you, and put them down feeling a bit embarrassed.

" no don't stop, they were good at that" you said trying to make him feel a bit less embarrassed.

he laughed and then said " did you get them?"

" yeah, here" you said handing him the script. he took it from you hand and started flipping through the pages till he got to one specific scene.

" i hope you're a good kisser" he said looking down at the paper and then back up at you.

you were looking at a different scene so you were confused when he said that " what do you mean" you asked.

" we have a kissing scene" he said smirking a bit.

" oh, i didn't know that" you said flipping through the pages and then finding the scene he was talking about.

" yeah, maybe we should practice?" he said looking at you with a look you couldn't say no to.

" maybe, next time" you said smirking back at him.

he smirked, and went back to the script to read through it a bit. not long after you heard your dad"s voice come from downstairs.

" Y/N ESTAS AQUI?" he yelled

" SIII" you yelled back down letting him know you were home.

" A BUENO, ESTAS SOLA" he said wondering if you were alone.

" NO ESTA MEMO" you said letting him know memo was also here.

" TODA VIA? NO FUERON AL COFFEE SHOP" you didn't respond after he had said that, instead you and memo got up and walked downstairs.

you saw your mom and dad in the kitchen, your mom was heating up the pozole and your dad was sitting down scrolling on his phone.

" hola, guilermo" your dad said looking up from his phone, and noticing you and memo standing next to each other.

" hola, mr.derbez" he said smiling at your dad. your dad laughed a bit after what memo had called him.

" please call me eugenio" he said smiling.

he smiled back and said " oh okay, and please call me memo i prefer that"

" will do" he said before going back on his phone to reply a couple of emails.

your mom heard your voices, and quickly turned around and walked up to memo. " memo, hola guesto conocerte" she said looking up at him.

memo looked down at her shook her hand, " hola mrs. hayek" he smiled at her.

she laughed and said, " please call me salma, gustarias quedar te para comer pozole " she asked him

" no quiero invadir" he said not wanting to intrude.

"no claro que no pasale" she said before walking over to the kitchen and serving you all a plate.

you and memo walked over to the table and sat down. he sat across from you like last time, you looked at him and smiled. he smiled back and said " muchas gracias" after your mom had placed a bowl of pozole in front of him.

your mom handed you your plate, and you began eating. " woah mami this is goood" you said before grabbing another spoonful. she smiled and said " gracias, gracias" your dad was still replying to emails when finally he put his phone down and began eating.

after trying to eat some and burning himself a bit, he put down the spoon and waited for it to cool down.

" so, memo have you and y/n been practicing your lines" he said trying to pass the time while his pozole cooled down a bit.

" we just read them, but we haven't practice yet we will soon tho"

" ah okay, pero no fueron al coffee shop?" he said remember you didn't answer him before.

"we did, but once we got there, there was loads of people and paparazzi" you said remembering how the paparazzi ran after you honked the horn.

"ay no, esa gente no tiene nada que hacer siempre estan de chismosos" your mom said having a point, memo laughed at her comment.

" es sierto" she laughed as well

" it's there job ma" you said also laughing a bit. " so, when does filming start" you changed the topic.

" tomorrow afternoon" you dad said picking up a spoonful of pozole eating it not burning himself this time.

" WHAT" you and memo looked over at each other and giving each other the " what the fuck" look.

" yes, that's why i told you guys to start learning them quick"

"we didn't know it would be starting that soon" you said a bit stressed now.

" i guess i forgot to mention that" your dad was pretty worked up sometimes so he would forget to mention a thing or two, it was a bit annoying but you understood.

" y donde vamos hacer film?" memo asked your dad

"yo les mando la direcion, it's only an hour away from here"

you nodded and then said " so that means we have to learn our lines by today??"

" yeah, pretty much" he said acting like if you didn't have literally less than 24 hours to learn your lines.

you rolled your eyes a bit, your dad expected a lot from you but it made you stressed and annoyed sometimes. you ignored it and finished up your plate.

A/N: he's not 37 in this btw, he's 22!! he doesn't have kids or a wife either lol

THIRTEEN | memo ochoaWhere stories live. Discover now