Carrier Launching and Guided Artillery Test

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Sorry for the delay. I have been away from work from morning till night since the 4th...

I know that some readers may find my story a bit too snarky, but I hope that you will consider it as part of the story and give it a warm welcome.

After all, this is literally my first novel...

- Kazuhiro Kasami


March 3, 2026

Japan, Tokyo, Kasumigaseki, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

On this day, which was crowded with people celebrating the Peach Festival, the Ambassador of Anubisius, Kapel, visited the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Kasumigaseki and met with Kaya, the diplomat in charge.

"Mister Kaya, good morning."

"Good morning, Kapel-san."

The two exchanged greetings and got down to business.

"Kapel-san, the government has made a decision."

Kapel's eyes lit up as he thought, 'Finally.'

"Please. Please ask your country to mediate with the Sindhvan Community. Of course, we have something to offer in return."

The most important role that Kapel was dispatched to Japan from his home country was said to be to serve as a diplomatic mediator from Japan to the Sindhvan Community. He was enthusiastic about the prospect of undertaking the most important mission entrusted to him by his country. And the Japanese were prepared to offer him something in return.

"I've been waiting for you to say that."

Kaya took out a document and handed it to Kapel.

"...We will reply to you within a week. If there are any requests from the Community, we will let you know as well."

"Yes, thank you very much."

In a short time, Japan took a step forward on a new path. On a brief note, Kapel was so happy to have accomplished his mission that he was humming in the car all the way back to the Embassy (former Egyptian Embassy).

. . .

A week later, the government received a written response from the Sindhvan Community through the Divine Kingdom of Anubisius.

The points include:

- We welcome you with open arms.

- We would like to discuss a trade treaty and free trade agreement as soon as possible.

- We would like to see the weapons and arms of Japan, a country that claims to be a pacifist nation and yet maintains an exclusive defense policy. We would like to see Japan conduct large-scale military exercises using the vast grounds and port facilities located outside our capital.

- If possible, we would appreciate it if you could bring a few Japanese civilian items with you. We would like to study how and where we can sell our products and would like to establish a cooperative relationship with your country.

The Prime Minister's Office had doubts about the request to conduct large-scale military exercises.

"Isn't the Sindhvan Community a pacifist and unarmed nation? Why would they be interested in weapons?"

The Prime Minister asked the Minister of Defense and the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry.

"Well... from all of the information we have collected, the Sindhvan Community has maintained peace by remaining 'unarmed.' Therefore, I judge that they are concerned about what kind of weapons the 'peace protected by arming' countries will be operating."

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