Information Gathering in Any Era is Important... IT. IS. IMPORTANT!

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This is this month's post.

Finally, Japan begins its exploration toward the north.

- Kazuhiro Kasami


August 18, 2032

Japan, Kudanshita, Embassy of the Grand Lago Kingdom

On this day, Maya Haguro, a new diplomat in the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was visiting the embassy of the Grand Lago Kingdom, which is located between Kudanshita and Hanzōmon. The elegant British-style reception room is lined with very beautiful furniture. The room was not at all gorgeous, but it had a sense of elegance that made one think, "Even though it is in another world, this is THE United Kingdom, after all."

As Haguro waited restlessly in the reception room, Falco Galateen, an embassy official and the top Japanese expert in the Grand Lago Kingdom, appeared.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Miss Haguro."

"No, thank you very much for having us here today for this meeting."

They started with a greeting. This was like a part of Haguro's training as a new recruit. Naturally, no matter how much of a rookie diplomat Haguro is, it is not as if she has never talked with an embassy official of another country before. Nevertheless, today's meeting was to obtain information necessary for the operation of the state. Her shoulders were tense.

"Now, as to your question regarding what country the Finweden Sea Kingdom is..."

Haguro braced herself for whatever fantasy answer she might get. Her face tensed, but since her countenance is childlike and cute, it did not look intimidating. Rather, it's like she is a small critter threatening a lion, which makes her look smiling to some people who see her. Still, she was trying to do the best she could.

"Simply put, they are the Yetisk Empire's bootlickers."


She thought there would be something more frightening than that, so Haguro was a bit disappointed.

"We have told this to others before, but this country has a population of 40 million, inhabited by mainly orcs, goblins, and fat hobgoblins."

"Fat hobgoblin... as I recall, it's an evolved race of goblins that are as tall as the Japanese and as obese as a sekitori."

"Yes. The goblins lived in caves where the temperature did not change easily, but most of them evolved into fat hobgoblins, which made them more tolerant of cold climates."

Organisms adapt to cold climates by becoming larger and fatter. Think of seals, polar bears, and emperor penguins, you get the idea.

"Another characteristic of this country is that it has a large population for its small area and inhabitable region. It is believed that fat hobgoblins and orcs evolved to leave behind more children in order to survive harsh environments."

"Which countries do they have diplomatic relations with?"

"Basically, they have had contact with most of the Western world. But that was basically to sell advanced equipment from the Yetisk Empire to the highest bidder..."

"Then, what's going on these days?"

Falco scratched his cheek with an awkward laugh.

"To be honest, their products are not selling as well as they used to since the beginning of exchanges with Japan. From what I've heard in the past... they're more inclined to see Japan as an enemy."

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