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As someone who is an epic wubbox, air has always been on his land for eternity. Looking at his companions talking, dancing and singing as always. Nothing is really special in that land, is just him sitting around waiting for something to happen. "Yo, air!" a monster with an emo looking hair and a big body came close to him as air waving at him. "Yo riff. Want to talk about something?" he glance at riff as he smiles at him (prob no one actually want to talk to him cause he always screams for some rhythm reasons but anyway.) "Yeah so, bro you heard about cold island right? They be having the festival of yay. You should come with me and celebrate it, yo!" air's smiles faded as he giving a confused look at riff for three seconds. he sighs and grab riff's shoulder "and why should i?" riffs giving air a little smug and replied "because y'know, your pal." now air is even more confused with what riff's said "my pal...? Ya mean cold? Come on, just because im close to him doesnt mean he wants to see me(also he looks terrifying once because he come at me after he ugly cries)" now is riff's turn to be confused "nah... me and deedge is a close buddy too, and i know he would like to see me. You should bet cold misses ya"

"And how would ya know if deedge wants to see you, huh?" air replied in such a sassy way. they death stared at each other, and not even a minute they started arguing about it. 20 minutes later.. "you know what, fine." air actually grabs a gift for cold and sighs "You win, lets go mate." riff jumps in excitement and stood for a while and saying "yippee!!" (with confetti at the background) "let me go grab my scarf real quick". After everything's done, air grab riff then said "Lets go"  and there they're, flying down to cold island. They arrive and take a landing on an empty space left from the festival.

Riff already look excited to check out everything here, while air..yeah hes just being there for some reason. "Yo, i'm gonna seperate with ya cause y'know." air glanced at riff and nods "yeah sure, go on. I'm okay with searching cold alone" riff pat his back and smiles at him "kay then, see ya around!" riff waves at him, and of course air waves back. Air looks around to see that everyone is here to celebrating the festival of yay and after some seconds, he walks around to search for cold. Well, finding his friend wouldn't be that easy cause he got easily distracted by everything. The unique costume that the monster had, the cool decorations, the food and the New guy welcoming too! (Rare strombonin, if you may ask.) it was fun there because that island usually feels sorrowful everyday but whenever the festival comes, it just brings so much good vibe and a very good commotion to hear for everyone.
After spending much time with the monsters, he remembers the reason why he came here for. He already said he would search cold because that is what riff wanted(i mean..if he does, idk). Air shakes in panic because he didnt see cold anywhere he goes as he accidently bump onto someone "Hey! Watch where you going mate." he looks at the blue guy holding a little cello with a terrified expression. He chuckles as he grab onto a blue guy's shoulder, looking at the guy with the bundle of nerves
"Oh uhh.. Sorry about that. I was in panic, hehe, Also may i ask something?" as he said that, the guy looks at him confused but he nods anyway. "have you seen any wubbox like me anywhere?" still, the guy is confused but a bit suprised with what air said. Air only can wait for answers because he cant just scream to him for spitting out the reason why his friend isnt around. The guy sigh as he pull air's hat (is attached to his head, dw) and whispers to him "hey, i know this would be suprising for you but, your friend usually dont came out here(and its been happening for months too). He always said his social batteries runs out and ended up celebrating the event alone or with grumpyre . sad to know, ain't it right?" Air glanced at the guy, looking dejected at what he said. What a shame isn't it? Everything was fun in here until he realized that it's nothing without his buddy, both of them. "Well, if you want to see him just go into that cave. He usually celebrate it there"

"Aight, thanks man" the guy pulls out a thumb while air goes inside the cave. The second air goes in, he is amused with what inside the cave. is a cave full of crystal. "No wonder why cold want to celebrate here alone.. Look at these beautiful view!" he touches every each of the crystal, looking at his reflection. He let out giggle a bit as it echoes into the cave, he looks at the left and saw... A very large pit! He goes on the side of the pit and sit there "cold?" it echoes, but no respond. He still waiting for respond but after some minutes he got bored "so hes not here huh, lets just search onto some other places" he stood up and goes on a search for cold again.

breeze (cold island wubbox x air island wubbox) Where stories live. Discover now