3. Dinner (Smut starts now)

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The lady glowed as she floated through the air towards Thor, getting ready for a fight.

"I wasn't asking, hotshot." She told him. Thor stood up, groaning.

"You know, there's a midgarian word for women like you." Thor replied as I gasped.

If he says what I think he's about to say, I will be on the glowing ladies side.

"Party pooper." Thor declared and I laughed at that. Loki looked at me concerned but ignored it, going back to the fight.

"There. I said it." The women sighed.

"Okay, this one's for fury." She mumbled to herself but clearly everyone heard.

She quickly jumped down and did an uppercut, watching him fly. I gasped in amazement.

"Now for the rest of you-" she was cut off by a hammer, hitting her in the head, making her go flying into a building.

Thor landed in front of us as she walked out. I got a little scared. I was human. I didn't have powers and I could get really hurt.

"Here you go madam, up." Loki told me as he held out his hand. I quickly sat on it as he used two hands around my waist to get me on the ground.

I turned to look up at Loki as he did a hand gesture that said, call me, and winked. I giggled and walked towards the crowd, of course, swinging my hips.

Thor laughed. "Have at you!" And throw the hammer at her.

"Smooth move, bro. You just-" it hit her in the back of the head.

"Hammerang. Get it?" Thor said. I rolled my eyes and decided to head out. I didn't want to get in trouble with shield.

Not long after, a huge gust of wind hit my back as I saw the lady go flying into space. The fight might have been over and Thor won?

I'm not sure, but I heard loud footsteps coming for me. I turned around to see the blue giant, Loki.

"Hello, m'lady..." He trailed off, asking silently for my name.

"Y/n." I replied with a smile. He nodded.

"Lady Y/n." Loki repeated with a smirk.

"Well, lady Y/n, once my brother gets back, would you like to party with us? I know we met maybe twenty minutes ago but, you know, I'd like to get to know you." He said. I huffed out a laugh.

"Sure, I mean, what will I lose?" I told him. He shrugged and knelt down, picking me up and putting me on his shoulder.

"Come along, I believe I hear Thor."

We walked back as people were yelling 'pooper, pooper' at the lady on the ground.

Loki met up with Thor and his other friends that where also blue giants. I said my hellos as I clung onto Loki's hair. I was scared I was gonna fall.

"Alright, we're gonna head out to eat! You guys in?" Thor asked I was about to respond but Loki beat me to it.

"Actually, me and lady Y/n where gonna get our own food. If ya don't mind." I was surprised, I mean sure, I would have liked to get some food but a night with Loki? I will not pass that up.

"Alright then, see you later! Don't have too much fun." Thor jokingly told us as Loki was to busy to care about a comment and more focused on other things.

"Right. Loki, where are we headed?" I asked out of curiosity. Loki just smirked.

"A dinner." He said, and before I knew it we where at a fancy restaurant. What the.

"Magic. I can teleport to places." Loki told me, heading towards a table. Oh.

"So, Loki, why not hangout with your friend Thor?" I asked as Loki pulled out my chair after I climbed off of him.

"I wanted to get to know you." He replied softly. Which was adorable. Wait a minute.

"Tell me, lady Y/n, what is a beautiful woman doing here at Thor's party's?" He asked. I shrugged.

"Well, I was with my friends Jane and Darcy on an exploration trip because of my job, then we went to Thors landed site. Long story short I followed Thor to Paris to have some fun. You know. Maybe meet someone or something." I replied but got quiet at the end.

"Oh, I see..." Loki said. I smiled at him.

"Well, why'd you want to have dinner? Did you read my mine or something?" I asked. Loki smirked and shook his head.

"Do you want the truth or not?"

"What do you mean?" I asked confused. Oh no.

"Well, you see, my magic does let me read people's minds." Loki started.

Oh shit

"So, when I first made eye contact with you. I heard your little voice in your head."

Fuck, fuck, fuck

"And it was screaming at me. Do you want to know what it said?"

I shook my head.

"Loki... I-I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable-"

"Darling, it made you more desirable than you already are." Loki said seductively, leaning in.

"Uh.." i started but was cut off by Loki standing up at his full height, and walking towards me.

"We can take this to the bedroom now. Or we can go back with Thor and his friends. Forget this and stay friends." Loki told me with a kind smile.

I smirked.

"Let's go." I told him. Loki smile was still plastered on his face, but it was different. But still hot.

Oh Loki, get ready

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