chapter 4 training

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how are you all doing??

merry Christmas to those who celebrate hope you have a good one!

your pov

after being dragged out of the base and through a forest we came to a huge open clearing, it was stunning there was a river with a water fall with a bank full of sand the rest was grassy field

"its gorgeous"

"well it might get wrecked" he said coldly as he finally let go of my hand and walked in front of me

"now show me what you can do now" sasori said while stepping back

i took a deep breath, sand from the bank came floating towards me and swirling in front of me i put my hands up and tensed, the sand immediately condensed into twelve swords suspended in front of me

(im basing her fighting style off of penny polendina/hella form thor ragnorok i thought they were badass so yeh)

"this is all i can really do i never had a teacher who could show me more" i said a little sad and embarrassed

"hm interesting...attack me" he said while getting into a stance narrowing is eyes in concentration

"SURE"i said with out hesitation

i mean a chance to hurt him? YAY

(keep in mind im not used to fight scenes but i must try)

i moved my hands which made the knives shoot out at him. of course he easily dodged them, i ran at him the knives  coming around my hands in half circles so that when i swung my arm down they followed with it

'it almost hit him' i thought while i continued to slash at him

this went on for like ten minutes it was just him dodging anything i did. and you could say i was getting pissed

"WILL YOU GET HIT ALREADY!!!" i screamed at him slashing directly at his face horizontally


theres a red line

i hit him, i got him, it was a scratch but still

i drew blood

"YESSS" i screamed breaking my consecration making my swords fall to the ground

sasoris pov

i felt a sting on my cheeks, then something came flowing down my face 

her attack connected

i didnt fully dodge it

she had landed a hit on me

i touched my face to make sure, and there it was, thick crimson blood on my finger

"YESSS" i heard her scream she sounded so proud of herself even if it was just a scratch

she was distracted

her swords were merely piles of sand on the ground

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