chapter 6 the mission

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y/n pov

"you didn't answer my question" i demanded an answer while being dragged through the forest

"were going to invade orochimaru's base"sasori finally answered my question

i stopped dead in my tracks, eyes wide

"nope" i yanked my arm out from his grip, turned around and started marching away

"HEY brat where do you think you going?!?!" he ran up beside me matching my pace

"nope" i kept my gaze forward

"what do you mean nope-you don't get a say where you go!" he scolded

"no never i don't do snake creeps and that final" i stated stopping and turning to face him

"snake creep? oh? are you scared?" he smirked at me and crossed his arm

"yes who isn't?" i said shivering at the thought of the snake mistake

"no one in the akatsuki is at least" he answered me still smirking

"oh goodie that's great then get someone else to help" i started walking again

"no it needs to be you" he ordered

"OI what are you doing???" i kinda screeched

sasori who was now holding me around me waist picked me up and switched me around bridal style

"you don't seem to want to come willingly so this was the other option" he growled at me

"OK ill come with you! just put me down you ginger Pinocchio" i remarked rolling to get our of his arms

"what did you just call me you pain in my ass brat!!!" yelled at me

"omg sasori, pein was what?! ayo thats kinda gay" i looked at him with a smirk,of course i was messing with him

"What?! you know exactly what i meant brat now shut up" he looked the other way to hide his HUGE blush but i could still tell do to his ear that now matched his hair

"calm down i was messing with you...but are you blushin by the embarrassment or cause it happened?" i continued, trying not to laugh


"WAIT I'M SORR-"i couldn't finish my sentence from the blue threads that kept my mouth shut and my body walking forward

"this is so much nicer don't you think, oh wait you can't answer me" now he was the one smirking

'little uno reverse card bitch flip flop flap jack mf i shouldn't have expected better from a GINGER' i cursed at him in my head glaring ahead since i couldn't move my head


sasori pov

'oh thank you were almost there, i guess i have to let her go, the silence was nice while it lasted...'

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