chapter 5 bored

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soooooooooo bored

me and sasori have been doing training for about a week now

its the exact same thing every day down to the minute

and I'm craving neuron activation so today im hell bent on making it different

"hey ginger~WAKE UP!" i screamed into sasoris ear. which he responded by jolting up

"what are you doing brat!!!" he kinda yelled at me in a morning voice

"oh my goodness your voice is so nice like this!" i said not phased from his prior comment

he looked slightly confused then got up from his bed and stormed out angrily

"whoops" i giggled and got up to chase after him



i got up from my bed and left the room quickly so she wouldn't see,walking down the hall to the exit for some fresh air

"exept chiyo no ones really complemented me-No she's messing with me, she's trying to throw me off guard maybe to escape"i pondered

"OH escape!?!?" i ran back inside

i realized i forget to lock the door and the little pain in my ass has a natural curiosity I've found over the week

and as expected when i reached my room it was empty only some unfinished puppets on the table, one seemed to be giving me a 'really? -_-' look

"what?" i glared back back at it

your pov

i couldn't find sasori

i may or may not be lost but its fine, the strawberry will find me eventually

i walked down hallways,past way to many doors but still not a single living thing in sight

the walls luckily had torches on them so i could see

'i cont woah fayge me sould bo lat kay' i stopped

there's someone talking on the other side of this door

on the door itself there was two pictures one was of shark and the other was a little red and white fan
'ooo whats this' i thought

reaching up curling my fist into a ball i was about to knock then stepped quickly as
the door creaked open revealing a-a...well im not really sure, it was blue tho

"who are you?"the...shark? that's what I'm guessing asked

"holy mother of all things beautiful in life your out of the water?!?!"i said in awe

"WHAT?" the fishy stated looking taken aback

"kisame who is at the door" a deep voice spoke out

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