Throw Hands

739 29 5

tw: mild blood and gore

The bus has an open layout, much to Iida's chagrin. You kick back and stretch your legs in front of you, pretending to be casual. In truth, your atoms buzz uncomfortably, sensing what you can't through their connection with the non-linear.

"...Power of yours. Isn't it a lot like All Might's?"

You can't help but swivel your head from staring out the window to Tsu, who asked the question, and Midoriya, who begins to spontaneously sweat. His eyes dart around nervously, and you think he needs to act not so suspiciously whenever these kinds of questions get brought up. The boy's so...obvious.

"What? Really? You—you think so, huh? I never really thought about that! I guess it's kind of similar..."

"Wait, hold on, Tsu," Kirishima puts in, "You're forgetting All Might doesn't hurt himself. That makes a huge difference."

It's a struggle not to roll your eyes. And when he stops hurting himself? When he can control the power given to him and all its facets? What then? Will they start to see?

But hey, this isn't your problem right now. It might not ever be any sort of problem you become involved with. You're just a passing stranger who happened to see something strange that nobody else did.

The pro-hero Thirteen exudes atomic energy, and just its power roiling underneath them makes you squirm. They don't have the actual power of a black hole, but it's enough of a force that your particles try to act bizarrely around them until they adjust to the new medium of this reality.

It means that while they're enthusiastically speaking about the Unforeseen Simulation Joint, you're standing there with your hands in your pockets, shifting on the balls of your feet and making an uncomfortable face. You hang near the back of the class in an attempt to distance yourself from them.

"Hey, Isoko," your classmate, Shouji, whispers to you underneath his cowl. "You alright?"

"Yeah," you immediately respond with a glance up at him and a tight smile. "I just gotta—poop."

Okay, okay, you don't need to poop—you haven't since you were old enough to decide, hey, this whole bathroom thing kind of sucks, why don't you just stop it? But you're certainly acting like you're three cramps away from a massive shit, so you just go with it.

Shouji only replies with a slightly uncertain, "Oh, sorry," and you go back to trying to listen to Thirteen.

"Some of you also have powers that can be dangerous. In our superhuman society, all quirks are certified and stringently regulated, so we often overlook how unsafe they can actually be. Please don't forget that if you lose focus or make the wrong move, your powers can be deadly."

Thirteen's words cause you to still. You are acutely, constantly reminded of that fact, but someone else saying it aloud uniquely resonates with you.

Your powers can be deadly.

Yes. They can. Your quirk has proven so.

Thirteen finishes their speech on a positive note. As you go to give them a round of applause with the rest of your classmates, something wrong hits you. It's twisting reality, atoms, you.

You double over, body structure loosening, and groan loud enough to draw attention. Half a second later, blood rises up from whatever organs that can't keep themselves together against this—this manipulation and spills from your mouth.


Hands are on your back, but their touches only remind you of their close proximity. You can't have—your quirk is reacting like it's allergic to the growing shift in reality—and what if you lose control? What if you lose focus just like Thirteen warned against?

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