Moments Leading Up

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"It's good to have you back, Mari!" Midoriya says excitedly right after Mr. Aizawa releases the class for independent training time. "I saw you training with Ectoplasm earlier—you have everything back under control, right?"

"That's right, baby," you grin, happy to have it be the truth. "No more horror scenes from me! Like you remember from when I had those buckets and buckets of blood all over my apartment floor? Ha! Good times."

"Uh, yeah," he chuckles. "I didn't throw up then! Almost did, but I kept everything down, so that was good."

"A good trait to have," you nod, and you slightly grimace at the thought of Mirio passing out at the sight of your mangled finger. "Heroes need strong stomachs."

"Do you, um, wanna train together? I need somebody to help me with my speed and versatility."

"For sure!" You clap Midoriya's firm back and point to an area in the gym that has some open space with a few pillars sticking out. In English, you crow, "Let's gooooo Deku! 'Bout to beat some ass!"

"W-wait," he says, understanding enough to translate your words, "Whose butt?"

"Just say ass, Midoriya, it'll make your life so much better."

He does not, in fact, find the will to say "ass."

Once the two of you are at your destination, you put some space between each other. Particles humming, you prepare yourself while Midoriya powers up. The green electricity that currents around him carries more strength than it previously has; the Way bends around him ever-so-slightly with One for All powered up in his system. It's cool to look at and even cooler to listen to.

It reminds you of Kamino Ward. Of Nana Shimura, and how she grinned at you before the end.

You can almost still feel that same grin a few meters away, embedded within Midoriya Izuku. He doesn't share the same expression, though the determination in his bright green eyes is a force all on its own.

"Hey, Midoriya, you ever seen Scott Pilgrim?" you ask. "I've been watching it, like, every other night lately."

"Um, no?" he calls back. "Why? And why are you watching a movie so much?"

"Whoa, hey, I don't ask you why you watch your All Might videos all the time," you defensively point out with playfulness in your voice. Midoriya laughs and concedes, so you say, "I ask because..." you crouch, increasing your body's density and speed, "We're about to—"

In a video game announcer voice a la the movie, you yell, "FIGHT!"

Then you leap up like Super Mario and propel yourself straight at Midoriya.

You made him laugh at your antics, so he barely has time to get out of the way before you crash into the ground. Rubble sprays outward. In the haze, a steel-toed boot comes sailing at your face. You push backward, using your quirk to dissipate the dust so you can see him clearly again.

Midoriya certainly has gotten faster. You both somewhat stick to close combat tactics, seeing as that's what he pushes toward. He also relies more on kick shots rather than his hands, which you think is a good improvement. In a way, you're glad that you spent almost all your training time away from Midoriya and the rest; now, they can surprise you with their ultimate moves and progression.

With your power and speed output, you pace yourself almost evenly with Midoriya. You give yourself a little bit more than what he's exerting to challenge him. You become a flurry of kicks and blocks, jabs and dodges. You don't let Midoriya have the chance to think and plan; he has to act on instinct or think even faster than before.

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