⚠️WARNING://GORE//⚠️ Chapter 6

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When the pair had gotten there, they went to the largest farm they could see, Which wasn't big, about 15 acres. They saw a woman in the distance, screaming about something indecipherable. When she got closer she made it clear of what had made her scream. A blacksmith had been in a terrible freak accident, he was making horseshoes for the farm horses and grabbed the 300-degree hot horseshoe instead of his tongs.

"My husband! He needs medical help! Come quickly!" The woman urgently exclaimed.

The three of them ran over to the blacksmith's smithy, when they got inside, they saw the horrifying injuries the blacksmith had gotten. The hand might have been dipped in hydrochloric acid. The man had a large black hole in the middle of his hand, exposing the bone of the hand. The skin was black and flakey and covered with eschar. The man was panting heavily, as if he did feel pain, but wasn't reacting. The burn was bleeding, not heavily but just enough to notice.

Eldlight reacted immediately "Si! Get the bandages and wrap them around his hand!"

Si was reluctant but followed his orders. While Si wrapped the burn, Eldlight turned to the very scared woman and uttered " Ma'am I am afraid that the only way to save your husband is to amputate his arm"

The woman gasped, "isn't there some way to save him and his arm? He'll be out of work!"

"I'm afraid not Ma'am" 

"Very well, carry on, I will be outside if you need me. Alert me when it's done." The woman said walking out the door. Eldlight nodded at the woman and said urgently, "Si, get the bone saw!"

Si's face went whiter than cooked rice. "The... bone saw?"

"Yes, and the wooden spoon please,"

The man, still in shock, didn't move at the Mention of amputating his arm.

Si Retrieved the wooden spoon, and the bone saw and handed them to Eldlight. He put the wooden spoon in the man's mouth to bite down on

Eldlight took a quick look at the blade And set it on the base of the arm where he was going to amputate. Eldlight whispered "por favor haz que esto funcione" 

He pushed down with much force, penetrating the skin, and causing it to bleed. Si shrieked, turned away, and started sobbing. The saw had reached the bone, it let out a sickening crunch. Si had now let go of the spoon to hold their ears. The was now halfway through the bone, the blood seeping into the floor. When the limb fell to the ground, eldlight exclaimed " Well, that was easier as far as limbs go".

He picked up the severed limb, turning to Si, "Please clean up the blood off the floor, there is a mixture in my bag that should get it out of the floor".

Si had now stopped crying, and nodded, taking a small breath before grabbing his bag and pulling out a white powder. Eldlight went outside and walked to the pig's pen.

He looked at the empty troth,  and then back at the pigs.

Then he threw it in the limb.

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