Twisted escapes - 2

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The Canadian opened his eyes to a sunny sky with barely any clouds, He felt a tap on his shoulder. "Hello?" Canada said looking behind him, "Oh, Hi dad!" "Hello N- Canada," UK said staring up at the sky, Canada was standing when he woke.

"A lovely day, is it n-not?" UK said, somewhat stumbling on the N in a weird glitchy like way, this wasn't real.

Canada rubbed his eyes multiple times, before seeing Egypt run up to him. Egypt gasped for air before speaking, "I found you! Hurry come on!" Canada decided to follow him. After a few seconds Canada looked back, The UK had become a rotting corpse, and then the "memory" had turned into the black void once again.

Canada looked to Egypt, "What is this place?!" Egypt took another deep breath, slowing his run, "I.. Don't know, all I know is that there's more of us stuck here. The two heard a scream, and looked to their left. Germany is screeching at the top of his lungs, about to be attacked by a fake corrupted Poland.

Egypt immediately runs over to him, and bonks the ™ Poland on the head, the fake red and white country thuds to the ground, fading into a strange black liquid, that sinks into the ground. Canada makes a disgusted noise at the sight, "You okay?" He asks, running over to the two.

Germany seemed to be shaking, his eyes wide. After a moment of staring into the void he looked at Canada, and nodded his head. Egypt put a thumbs up, Canada looks behind him, feeling like he was being watched.

"We... should go," He muttered to the two, and started running in a random direction he felt like was safe. Canada notices a forest with dead trees that are purple and withering with no leaves. The other two don't seem to notice, and keep running.

"I'll, be right back!" He calls out to Egypt and Germany, before running towards the strange dead forest. He sees a person sitting in the middle of the strange, dead, brittle forest. In the center sits someone who appears to be the Canadians brother, America. Canada tries to go to him, but then gets his hand grabbed by Egypt who shakes his head. Egypt had followed him, Germany was over waiting by where they stopped running at.

America's looking down, He looks at them glaring, his eyes black with red pupils and sunglasses broken. He whispers Hello before they fade back into the strange void. The three are disturbed of that scene, but continue their quest to find the others, They recollect themselves before finding another group of people, Japan, South Korea, Russia and New Zealand.

They hear three more voices to see The UK, Russia and Poland walking up to them whilst Kuwait, Australia and France walk up to them running. "We finally found you dears," France says, bringing her husband and kids into a hug. Poland and Germany are hugging, but Germany seems disturbed, probably remembering the strange ™ Poland.

"We need a plan,"


"So, thats all?" UK mutters, going over the plan in his head. Canada nods his head, "Yup, that's all," The canadian hadn't mentioned the strange America that Egypt, Germany and him had seen. Poland screams, and before they knew it Poland got mauled by a strange wolf looking figure. It's the same color as the trees from the wilting forest and is rotting.

It has no eyes, only one ear, a nose and a strangely large mouth. It bites off Poland's head. Germany shrieks as it happens as he was the closest to the murder, and the group starts to run from the area. Splitting up once again, Canada ends up back in the strange forest. he hears twittering that sounds like a bird and follows it. He stops and hides behind a tree to see a cloaked figure who grabs the somehow alive bird and squeezes it. Making the bird go into a strange stage of sleep.

The figure puts the bird on the ground before it gets sucked up by the black substance they were all standing on. He hears someone call his name and the figure runs from the area, Canada turns to find Kuwait and Egypt running up to him.

"There you are! C'mon," Egypt says, and they start off walking north-east only to see France, or they think. France looks at them only for them to realize its a ™ but, its too late.Kuwait gets jumped at by the ™ France and gets his right arm ripped off before getting torn apart limb by limb. Egypt stares with terrified eyes before running with Canada from the area not being able to save Kuwait.

Canada, still shaken up from that, remains silent as they run from the area, not daring to say a word. Egypt looks sad, having lost his somewhat of a friend. They continue to run from the area, not daring to look behind them or think about running back.

They felt like they were being chased.



Yup, thats it for this chapter! 834 words, almost 1k, nice! Anyways, thanks for reading this lazy chapter, I copy and pasted some, or part of the writing from my plot writing as I didn't feel like writing much today, anyways. Hope yall have a fantastic day/night and see yall in the next chapter!!

P.S Do yall think that America was real or a ™ Twisted Memory? :'D

900_words Ayy :D

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2022 ⏰

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