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"And eye for an eye"

For the longest time we were just fighting to survive

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For the longest time we were just fighting to survive. Trying to get back what was lost because you would do anything to protect your family. Overall, that's what family is for. To fight for one another when no one else will and now. Right now, each member of the group is fighting for something different. Someone different, but they all hope for the same outcome. Something better, bigger, and worth fighting for like a new beginning. But fighting for something always comes with a cost weather it's a compromise, surrender or even death. Something is always bound to happen. There's always a cost...

Jane looks down at her fingers and watches as she twirls it in her fingers reminiscing on when Glenn proposed to her on the front porch of the house they lived in with the group before being able to get their own. She slips the ring into her back pocket and remembers why she is still here. It's because of her daughter and because the love of her life wouldn't want her to die when there is still so much to see. So much to discover.

Jane hears footsteps come up behind her and she turns around, seeing Negan with his hands in his pockets as he lets out a stressful sigh while his mind scrambles to find the right words to say. "I don't know how to thank you for almost taking bullets for me" Negan starts off as he looks down at the rifle Jane has in her hands, gripping it tightly as she stares at him, "You didn't have to do what you did because-- well, we all know why. So, thank you. But why did you do it?' Negan asks and Jane clears her throat, trying to find the answer to his question.

"I didn't really do it for you. I think I did it because it's what I wish I did before you bashed my husband's head in. I wish I kneeled in front of that bat for Glenn. I did it because, for the life of me, I can't watch what happened to Glenn, Abraham, and my sister... happen to you. It's not fair because it's more than what you given me-- and them--, but it was the right choice at the time" Jane explains and Negan looks down at his boots, knowing there's nothing he can say or do that will change how Jane feels about him and the decision she has made to save his life. She may regret it in the future, but it's too late now.

Jane pushes past Negan and walks towards Rosita, who is getting answers from someone who knows where the take the kids if they didn't bring them to Alexandria. "When I was a solider kids that didn't have parents ended up at the city's children home" the ex-guard, Tyler, informs. "But do you know where it is?" Rosita asks and Jane watches as the young man in front of her swallows nervously then shakes his head.

"Find out" Jane orders as Rosita curses under her breath and marches towards the bus, ordering people around aggressively.

"She's a little on edge" Silas informs as he comes up behind Jane, to which she turns around and embraces him in a hug. "We all are" Jane adds before she pulls away from the hug. "Roslyn's going to be okay, she's strong" Silas states and Jane scoffs as she shakes her head, "I know she is, but that doesn't mean I don't want her found" Jane argues before letting out an apologetic sigh for her snappy tone towards Silas. She lost her husband already and she didn't want to lose apart of him. That part being Roslyn.

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