Chapter 12: The Heroes, The Villains and The Boss (Part 1)

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(An eye is seen, and as we zoom out, we see a RED Heavy's dead body, and behind it is a scrapped vehicon. The next scenes show various other scrapped vehicons, a RED Medic dead, some dead BLU Snipers, except for one, and finally, the factory where all of it happened.)

(Outside of a place named "Well Warehouse", Blitzo's Merged-Verse Squad is seen walking as Blitzo adjusts his necklace and Fedora SPy puts his hat back. They smile as the heroes keep walking, and then Cool Scout decides to mock the villains.)

Cool Scout: Hey, villains, wave goodbye to your secret crap.

(He then laughs.)

RED Demomite: I'm bloody proud of you.

Sergeant Soldier: Yeah...

Fedora Spy: Was there any doubt?

(Suddenly a truck passes through them and some seconds later, the package is gone.)

Axel: Oh geat.

(Inside the truck, a Federation Soldier shows up.)

Federation Soldier: Piss off, bloody parkers.

(The Federation Soldier laughs.)

Blitzo: Somebody stop that filthy, gentlemen.

(The Federation Soldier is seen with the package in the truck as he laughs, and then he speeds up the vehicle as the heroes chase after them.)

Supergirl: Let's waste them.

RED Demomite: Whoo-hoo! (jumps in the truck) Hehehehe.

(The Federation Soldier calls for backup, and then more Federation Soldiers come in along with Desperado Cyborgs, White Fang Soldiers, Clown Thugs, etc as they drive their jeeps and some of them go through the heroes. Cool Scout tries to get aboard one of the enemy jeeps while Fedora Spy hears a voice, and turns to see a HYDRA Soldier in a jeep. He shoots him down and hops on the jeep.)

Fedora Spy: Gentlemen, move.

Sergeant Soldier: Let's go.

(RED Fall-out Pyro speaks, but is muffled as usual, and then they start chasing the Villainous Troops. Meanwhile one of Roman's henchmen tries to shoot the Cool Scout, who then dodges a jeep driven by an Eggbot. Batgirl comes in and throws a batarang, which beheads Roman's henchman and hits the Eggbot's jeep, causing it to crash.)

Batgirl: I hope Batman doesn't reprimand me for this.

Cool Scout: Well, that just happened.

(Then some heroes come in driving the jeeps while others are seen flying. Suddenly two enemy jeeps come in.)

????: Idiots. Heeee-yaaaah!

(A Koopa Troopa's jeep hits Fedora Spy's jeep, causing the cigarette to fall from his mouth. Then he glares at the koopa.)


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