Chapter 23: The Ghost Killer

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(In a space of blackness, a male voice is heard along with several gunshots.)

Russian Soldier: Base, this is Seven. We have tanks and armor approaching from the East. Taking heavy casualties, do you copy? Base, come in! Base! Shit!

(Then a Russian Soldier is seen lying on the ground.)

Russian Soldier: All stations on this net, we're overrun. It's a fucking army!

(Then some other human soldiers are seen dead.)

Russian Soldier: We need...

(The Soldier gets shot as he is seen breathing hard as a figure approaches him and prepares to kill him.)

Russian Soldier: No... no... I'm begging you... please!

(The figure shoots him, and it's revealed to be Cash Buckzo, who along with some Ultimate Villainous Troops get the remains of the Australium Robo-Heavy

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(The figure shoots him, and it's revealed to be Cash Buckzo, who along with some Ultimate Villainous Troops get the remains of the Australium Robo-Heavy.)

(The screen goes black again as DekaRed's voice is heard, and then a picture of Soichiro Yagami is shown.)

DekaRed: Dad taught us many things, but one lesson always stood out... Good men are defined by the choices they make. My team and I made a choice, a promise. To the fallen heroes before us. To my father. We'd fight Ozpin and we'd stop him... no matter the cost.

(Blitzo stabs a Federation Soldier. A vehicon can be seen on a television screen.)

Vehicon: Evacuation Protocol C is in effect. All personnel secure cargo and supplies.

(IG-88 knocks out a Desperado Cyborg)

IG-88: Tell Ozpin we're coming for him.

(Ozpin (Union-Verse) appears on the screen.)

Ozpin (Union-Verse): Why don't you just tell me yourself.

IG-82: You're done, Ozpin.

(IG-82 smashes the screen.)

IG-82: Let's finish this.

(DekaRed opens the train's side door. They see a rod hitting the Ultimate Villainous Troops.)

DekaRed: Looks like Icarus got control of the rods. All that's left is Rorke. Let's go!

(Blitzo and his team run along the side of the train.)

DekaBlue: Ozpin must be at the front of the train.

(Blitzo and his team encounter enemy soldiers.)

DekaGreen: Contact! They're moving onto the cargo!

(They engage the enemies.)

DekaYellow: Sniper, twelve o'clock!

(They clear the enemies and move to the top of the train, engaging more enemies. An explosion rocks the train.)

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