Chapter Four | Ottery St. Catchpole, March 1975

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Chapter Four

Ottery St. Catchpole, March 1975


            A long road lay ahead of Hazel, and she shivered against the early spring wind. Her surroundings were unknown, hills rolling in every direction; there were fields on one side, forest on the other, and a very odd looking house just up the lane.

Hoping she was at the right house, Hazel picked up her long skirts and began walking down the lane, just as the dark clouds above her began to choke out rain. Drenched, Hazel walked through the garden gate and knocked on the door, praying she was at the right house-there wasn’t much time.

The door opened to reveal a very pretty young woman, her auburn hair in a bun on the top her head, wisps falling out around her face. She wore a very simple set of blue robes, and she immediately began to chatter worriedly at Hazel.

“My goodness!” she cried, yanking Hazel in and closing the door “You’re going to catch your death out there love! Would you like a cup of tea?”

Surprised, Hazel just stared at the woman “Are you Jemma Lancaster?”

The woman laughed “Me? Oh no, I’m afraid you’re on the wrong side of town darling; the Lancaster home is a mile outside of town in the opposite direction.”

Ringing out her hair, Hazel flicked her wand and her robes dried, the water dripping on the floor vanishing. “Well, I would love a cup of tea, but I really have to see Mrs. Lancaster.”

“I’m afraid she won’t even be home for another hour or so,” said the woman, smiling and walking through the small house, pushing toys aside with her feet as she went “Why don’t you come warm up and I’ll get you where you need to go after?”

Hazel decided not to argue, and followed her into a cozy kitchen where two equally red headed little boys sat at the table. “Are these your sons?” she asked.

“Yes, this Bill-” she placed a hand on the head of the older, fondly brushing his hair from his eyes “-and that’s Charlie. Say hello boys to miss-I never caught your name!”

“Oh, it’s Hazel, Hazel Bowen.”

“Molly Weasley, lovely to meet you-would you like a biscuit?”

Soon they were sitting at the kitchen table, three year old Charlie in Hazel’s lap and drinking their third cup of tea; Hazel told Molly about being home schooled, Molly told Hazel about being a mother.

“Oh it’s the loveliest thing in the world, Hazel; the ultimate reward for everything you worked for.” Molly sighed and took another biscuit, catching Bill’s cup as he nearly toppled it over “You’re only what-fifteen you said? - but I’m sure you would make a wonderful mother.”

“Yes, fifteen; although I don’t feel fifteen.” Hazel smiled weakly and sipped her tea, playing with Charlie’s red curls.

“You don’t look it, either; why, you could be my age!” Molly laughed “But really, life is only beginning for the both of us.”

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