The day before the confession

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Ellie's pov.

I skipped along the pavement, my long, curly hair blowing in the winter breeze behind me. 

The shops were decorated for Christmas, beautiful Christmas trees, decorated in a cornucopia of colours from traditional red, to modern silver.

Even our hotel had made an effort, the door man was wearing a Santa hat, he didn't seem amused about this, though.

I smiled at the receptionist who'd directed me to the salon, she smiled back.

"You're hair looks amazing, it suits you!" She complemented.

"Thank you!" I smiled, soaking up the complement modestly.

I stepped into the lift and pressed the button for my floor, the doors slid close and I began to move upwards.

The doors opened with a *ding* and I stepped out onto the clean carpeted floor of the hall.

Silently, or as silently as I could manage, I opened the door of our room.

There was no sound or sight of disturbance so I gathered Tom and Annie were still asleep.

Might as well make myself useful, I thought as I headed for the kitchen to make breakfast.

I entered the kitchen, only to discover that there was no cooking material.

No food at all! 

I internally screamed at the stupidity of the hotel.

Who doesn't have food in the fridge at a hotel, the mini fridge was full of crap food yet no eggs or bread.

I thought about rining room service but I wasn't sure about pizza for breakfast, to be honest, who could blame me?

I guess I will be making another trip, much to my dismay.

"Taxi" I shouted as a taxi drove in my direction, thankful it stopped.

"Where to miss?" He asked when I was seated inside the vehicle. 

"The centre of town please," I told him politely 

He didn't reply, he just nodded slightly and started the car as we rolled down the road at a steady pace.

"Here we are," He said joyfully, as we pulled up beside a monument in the town centre.

"Thank you sir," I smiled, handing him a £20 note.

"It was only £8," He told me.

"I know, but it's a tip, it's the holidays after all," I smiled at him.

"Thank you so much, you're very kind, have a good day," He smiled.

"You too," I grinned back.

The taxi drove off as I began searching around the town.

The clock in the centre of the town told me that it was now 8am so I had plenty of time to look around.

I made a b-line for Asda which was at the end of the busy shopping street.

It was difficult for me, being a self confessed shopaholic, to walk past primark, but I did it.

I was rather proud of myself!

When I reached Asda, the store was empty, meaning I could be as quick or slow as I wanted, thankfully.

I grabbed a trolley (A/N buggy or cart from America, not sure 'bout everywhere else) and walked inside.

The first thing I came to was the meat counter.

"Can I have 12 rashes of bacon and 10 sausages please, oh and can I have a joint of beef that will serve 3 please," I asked.

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