Goodbye Paris

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Woah I guess you guys do like this story, thanks for the votes and supportive comments on the last chapter it means a lot. But I'm still not sure I'm continuing this story as I don't feel anyone is fanning me :/ I'm not saying you have to of course x

Ellie's pov.

I took out my phone and dialled the taxi service, once I'd given them my loctaion and destination I hung up, waiting for the car to arrive.

Whilst I was waiting I decided to ring my Mum, just to let her know my plans, she had been good to me so she had a right to know.

"Ok honey, stay safe and ring me when you get home," My Mum said as she hung up the phone.

*Beep Beep* The taxi drived pulled up beside me, I carefully opened the door and sat down on the leather seat.

"The airport please," I said politely to the drive.

"Certainly," He replied and started up the engine once again before the car roared into life and hurtled down the road.

For most of the journey I was humming along to the buzzing radio or looking out the window in deep thought.

I could lie to you and tell you that I was thinking about going back home, or I could tell you the truth.

The truth was I was thinking about Tom, I had so many unanswered questions but I guess they would be staying that way.

I had no intention of seeing Tom ever again, it would be tough but I was a strong girl and he knew it.

The taxi ground to a halt outside the airport, once I had unbuckled my seat belt and paid the driver, I went about the task of getting my bags.

After around 5 minutes of pulling, my suitcase  was out of the boot and on the ground.

I began to walk to towards the airport, my suitcase trailing behind me.

(A/n omg Tom is on children in need right now omg omg omg)

 As I reached the airport I literally ran inside, finally ready to leave my memories here.

You may think I was being heartless about Tom, but I move on quick, and this happened before and he said I should give him one more chance.

He has had that chance and I have no more left to give, to little, to late.

I decided to turn my phone off too, as much as I loved the girls, I wasn't letting them change my mind about this.

My flight was called and I walked to the gate, my carry on bag in  hand along with my passport.

I had just arrived at my gate when I saw security guards violently pushing someone in the opposite direction.

I shrugged it off and continued to wait in line to board the plane.

The line went down and I was let onto the plane, I found my seat near the window and put my carry on bag onto the carpeted floor beneath.

Before doing this I made sure I had my ipod and headphones on my lap, ready to escape any unwanted conversation.

Thankfully no one sat next to me so I was safe but proceeded to put my ear buds in anyway.

I shuffled my ipod and 'kiss you' by One Direction began.

Tom's favourite song.

I tried to fight it but as the song got underway the tears rolled down my face.

Quickly, I stopped that song and took a few deep breaths, composing myself.

I will not let Tom break me.

Come on Ellie you're stronger than this.

Am I?

Am I really stronger than this?

Something bad happens and I just run away.

I'm not strong, I'm just a little girl.

150 fans for the next update and 10 votes and 5 comments please, hope you like this chapter, my twitter is @horan_Gang if you want to follow me and my ask/fm is linked on my profile. Stay beautiful x

 By the way guys I have tumblr now, my username is directioner_1999x when I get like 20 followers I'm going to do some one shots/ imagines on there. Follow me then comment your username and I will fan you too x

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