Partayyy plannin'

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Having a really rough day and did yesterday too so this won't be the best chapter but I will try my best for you guys. 

Ellie's pov.

So after that bombshell Tom apologised and left, promising to come round tomorrow before he flys back.

I was left, stood in the kitchen, motionless, the realisation that I was going to be in a long distance relationship with Britain's most famous Olympic diver.

Not forgetting the accident my Dad allegadly had, what was that all about?

The thing that really hurt was that it was my Birthday in 3 days meaning I would be spending my 18th alone.

Oh well, Tom had training to do for the championships and other competitions, he break was ending, there was 1 week left of the holidays off school.

Meaning Tom would be back at school and so would I, we would be leading our day to day lives without one another.

The thing with me and Tom is that I feel like I'm missing him all the time and he is never there.

After I'd cooked a quick meal I headded off to bed to think about things.

*The next day*

I woke up, crying, I guess Tom really did mean that much to me.

He hasn't called yet but its only 9am, he never said what time his flight was thought so not sure when to expect him over.

As its only 2 days till my Birthday Casey is helping me organise my party today, she will be round soon!

With my Dad being the coach of the Olmypics aquatics teams I've never had a really party, he was always way too busy.

But this is my 18th meaning I couldn't let it just pass, if it was down to me I'd have Luna, Layla and Casey over and we would watch movies and eat, I'd be happy.

Being the nerd or 'loner' if you like, at school I was never invited to any of the popular girl's parties.

*Knock Knock*

"Hey babe," I said as I answered the door to Casey.

"Hey honey," She replied.

"So?" I said, breaking the silence.

"Lets get party planning!" Casey said excitedly whilst jumping up and down.

"Yay" I said in an unenthusiastic tone.

"Whats up El?" Casey asked.

"Tom's flying back home today," I replied sadly.

"But you're still together?" 

"Yeah, long distant relationship, thats all" 

"So whats the big deal?

"I'll miss him, thats all"

*Ring ring*

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey babe, sorry but I'm at the airport, my flight was moved to earlier so I didn't have time to see you, I'm gonna miss my flight so I've got to go bye!" Tom rushed before hanging up.

"He isn't worth it" Casey comforted as she rubbed my shoulder.

"Its fine, he was running late thats all, I would of done the same," I admitted.

"Ok then, lets plan the party of the year to make you not miss him as much," Casey said, in an attempt to cheer me up.

"Okay," I muttered.

"First of location is key so we have to get the hottest place in town" Casey insisted.

"Yeah, I've heard lots of good things about 21 (a nightclub)" I said, cheering up a little.

"Yeah great idea, I'll ring them now whilst you think of themes" Casey replied whilst going into the hall way to phone up the club.

*An hour later*

"So that's the club, dj, theme, catering and guest list," Casey said.

"Yep now we need decorations, transport and outfits!" I answered.

"Yes, lets go get some decorations now," Casey ordered.

"Okay where from?" I enquired.

"Pound world!" Casey shouted.

"Woop pound world!" I screamed.

Okay so maybe I was a 7 year old trapped in a 17 year olds body but still haters gon' hate.

We returned from pound world which actually turned out to be Euro world but still, same concept.

I would tell you what we bought but then I'd have to kill you, or swear you to secrecy?

Anywho, you will find out what it is on the party day like everyone else, you're not getting special treatment because you're reading my thoughts.

For transport Casey said it was a surprise even for me, I don't want to stand out too much, no limo, horse and carriage or anything so I'm dreading her selection.

For dresses we are going shopping tomorrow as all the shops will be shut now and plus we have longer to think about colour schemes and makeup and hair choices!

Really sorry its a crap chapter but I'm really not in the writing mood today and its really not my week hope you understand. If you could a vote on this chapter would make my day, comment if you want me to continue and please please fan. I'd love to get to 150 fans soon. Stay beautiful xx

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