Without You ★

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✧Based on when you and Micah live together

✧Gender neutral Y/n

✧Angst, Fluff

✧Requested by @NovaCrystaling

~{Micah's POV}~

It's.. dark?

It's empty too..


Where am I?


It feels so cold..... Did I die?

My heart is still beating..


"Skrunkly? Are you here?"

I can't find her anywhere....

What even happened?


Why am I here?


The last thing I can remember is...

Wait... I can't remember anything?


All I can think of is...



Angel..? Did they...?

(Y/N's voice echos throughout the void)

"Angel where are you!"


(The voice stops)


(A shadow with Y/N's likeness appears)

"Angel! It's you!"

(The shadow looks at him, and smiles a sinister smile...)

"Y/N come here!"

(Micah tries to run to the shadow, but they giggle and disappeared)

"Why did you leave me here?"


(He starts to tear up, searching the void for Y/N)

"Angel where did you go! Come back!"


".. Please.?"


(Y/N's voice is heard again)

Voice: "I don't love you anymore"

Micah: ".. w-what?"

Voice: "You're a bad boyfriend.. so annoying and troublesome."

Micah: "N-no..! Please I can do better!"

Voice: "You couldn't possibly do anything good. You're the worst person to ever live... I don't know why I wasted my time with someone as lowly as you."

Micah: ".. but I loved you.."

Voice: "How stupid could you be? I never loved you"

(The words "I never loved you" echoed throughout the void, then slowly faded away)


(He's crying very hard now...)

Was I not good enough?


I don't deserve someone as perfect as Y/N... Of course they left me behind...

(He falls to his knees, with his tears still falling)

"I'm so sorry that I wasn't good enough... I really tried my best for you....."

"Did you at least enjoy our time together? Or was that happiness all a lie..."

(He curls up into a ball, feeling empty)


(Hours pass of his pain)


??: "Micah.."

Micah: "Huh?"

(He slightly lifts his head, yet sees nothing in the neverending blackness of the void)


??: "Micah, wake up..."

Micah: "W-whos calling me?"


??: "Micah please wake up!"

~{Y/N's POV}~

Y/N: "Micah! Please wake up!"

You've been calling his name for 6 minutes now.... But he won't budge.

Y/N: "Micah please just wake up!!"

He's crying and saying you've left him...

He's saying that he deserves nothing but the worst for not being good enough for you.

You start to shake him while crying, trying your best to wake him

Micah's eyes open slightly... And he wakes up.

Micah: "Angel..?"

Y/N: "Micah thank god!"

You hug him tightly.. and he's still crying.


Micah: "I had the worst nightmare ever.... I thought you left me.."

His voice was shaky and he looked so sad. You kissed him on the cheek and hugged him even tighter.

Y/N: "Oh Micah... I'd never leave you! Not now, or ever! Not even if I was offered everything I've ever wanted, because I already have that and it's you!"

You kiss his forehead a million times while telling him how much you love him.

Micah: "Soooo much kisses"

He's blushing, so you started to kiss his nose a bunch of times too..

Y/N: "Feeling better yet Micah?"

Micah: "I need more kisses..."

Y/N: "Oh really?"

You giggle and then kiss his forehead and nose some more... How could this cutie ever think you'd want to leave him?

He's your everything... So perfect and gentle... Who would ever give up such a wonderful person? Definitely not you.

You keep kissing him all over until he says he's tired


Micah squeezes you so tightly that you almost couldn't breathe.

Micah: "I love you so much angel.."

Y/N: "I love you too Micah. More than anything"

You cuddled him and held him sweetly as he fell back asleep... ♡

Micah Yujin × Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now