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feeling evil so here's this

soap had been friends with ghost for quite some times, but not a long time. he had a hard time getting to know about ghost, his walls were built so high that only roach could knock them down. But roach is gone, and soap can't be like roach.

But oddly, ghost always tells soap how much soap reminds him of roach
"you smile just like roach"
"you and roach have the same eye color
"roach used to do that"

although soap feels bad for ghost, he jealous. he wants to get to know ghost like roach did, but he can't, he hasn't even had the nerve to tell him how he feels.

"I love you"

but he just can't muster the courage. he knows that ghost cares for him, alot. and soap cares about ghost, but he just get jealous sometimes.

ghost was out on a mission, it's was raining and soap knew that it was raining for ghost too. he was worried, this was a very hard and important mission, and soap needed ghost. he needed to tell him how he feels, he can't let ghost die, never.

time skip 🦈

it's been a few days since the mission and soap was roaming around his room waiting for any information that ghost had made it bakc safety, he knew he wouldn't have died, he felt it. but he was worried, be always gets nervous.

finally price knocks on soap door making soap jump, be runs over to the door and sees price at the door, his hair is a mess and he doesn't have his hat on. he looks tired, and sad. soap sees his appearance and he starts to get more worried,

"what's wrong?" soap asked moving out of the door way to let price in.
price went and sat on the bed and patted the seat next to him, soap went and sat down next to.

"listen kid, there's no easy way to say this..." he trailed off. soap stomach dropped. he still had hope though. he didn't think he was dead.
"ghost..he- he..." price took a breathe, "ghost didn't make it johnny..." price held his tears back.
soap stared. he didn't say anything he just starred. he starred at his feet. warm liquid began to run down his cheeks.
price got up and headed for the door "let me know if you need anything kiddo..." price whispered leaving his room and closing the door.

then it set in, ghost was dead. soap started to breathe heavy, then he just started to sob, he cried into his hands, gasping for breath. he was angry and sad. he got up and punched a hole in the wall. he threw papers off his desk. he threw blankets and pillows off his bed, then he fell, he fell on his back and laid there crying.
his face was red and his head was throbbing, he continued to cry. he laid there. for hours, he didn't sleep, and when the sun came out he stayed there and didn't move. and he stayed like that for 2 days, not saying, just letting his mind race for hours at a time.

after the 2 days, there was a knock, and the door open, it was price, soap was still on the floor in the fetal position,
"hey kiddo.." price whispered sitting next to him. "price" soap groaned "i- I don't want to live anymore.." soap muttered. this caught price off guard, he didn't know what to say, he was stunned. he knew that he was taking this hard but, he didn't know what to say to help him.
he rubbed his back and started to clean up his room. he put the papers back in a neat stack, and put the pillows and blankets on the bed, he even hung a painted from the hall over the hole so he didn't worry about it.

after he cleaned he helped soap up off the ground. it was hard bc he was limp and refused, but he did it anyways. he put the blankets over him and sat on the edge of the bed, "I'll be here, for you, just tell me anything and I'll listen" price said, he patted soap shoulder and then left closing the door.

after a couple of days he finally went out of his room, but he didn't eat and he rarely slept, he would come out and put on a fake smile, but everyone knew it was fake, they knew what soap was going throught.

one night, soap was wondering around the base late at night. he was wondering down the halls looking at the painting. until he passed ghosts room, be paused infront of the door. he just stood there, he didn't know what to do. then he felt sick. like he was going to throw up. he races to the bathroom in his room, bit he didn't throw up, he just sat there. but then his mind started to race again, his thought had over taken and he went into panic, his hands started to shake and he started to cry, he wanted this to end, his suffering.

then he calmed down, his face was red and his face dropped. his face reflected a kind of sad that shouldn't be on someone's face such as soaps, his mouth and eyes dropped and his hair was a mess.

soap got up from the bathroom and went over to his bed side table, he open the draw and there was a loaded pistol, he grabbed it. he didn't hesitate. then, he sat on his knees, he sat on the floor, with the pistol in one hand, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a picture of him and ghost hugging. then something hit him. he never said it. he never told ghost how he feels.

soap started to cry again, his hands shaking, he brought the pistol to his chin, he felt the cold metal on his throat and the warm tears streaming down his face. he looked at the picture playing with the trigger.

he pulled the trigger.

price was the first to stir awake "WHAT THE HELL WHAT THAT???" gaz and a 3 other of their teammates were there, (the rest were at home). price ordered for the 3 to stay put and scout the area, price and gas followed to where the noise was herd, in one of the bedrooms. then he stopped at soaps door, he felt his throat tighten and his chest fall, be rember to what soap had said to him. he hoped, he hoped he didn't do it.
he knocked on the door.

no answer.
he open the door slowly. then, he stopped. Dead in his tracks, the revolver he was holding in his hand dropped, and so did his shoulders.
"sir what is it" gas asked looking into the room. then he stopped. he froze too.

there they starred at soaps lifeless body, his crimson red blood surrounding his head and body, the pistol in one hand, the picture in the other
"who did such a thing to him?" gaz asked softly breaking the silence.
"..himself.." price croaked, tears started to form in his eyes, and roll down his checks
"...he killed himself..."

I hope your enjoyed that 😊 ☺️ 😘😻
if you enjoyed this please let me know so I can make more!!
and leave suggestions or questions in the comments!!

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