2:8 This Christmas Was Surprisinly Violent

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This Christmas Was Surprisinly Violent
Part 3

This Christmas Was Surprisinly ViolentPart 3————

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You and Hope made eye contact, confused and amazed Santa was real. "Santa? I can't believe you're real." You stated as you looked away from hope and to Santa.

Santa chuckled lightly. "Well, of course you can! You see, my dear Kate, belief is what makes things real." He stated to you.

Hope grabbed your hand and interlaced them, you obviously enjoying the warmth her touch gave you. "Uh..." Alaric trailed off.

Santa moved his eyesight towards Alaric. "Yes?" He asked Alaric.

"How did you know her name?" He questioned Santa.


You and Hope walked down the steps to be in front of Alaric. "Because everyone was a child once, and I remember each and every one. Besides, a name like Alaric is pretty tough to forget. Hо! Hо! Hо! Hо! Hо! Hо!" Santa then started laughing.

All the students also joined in, including you and Hope as Alaric is a very hard name is forget. You and Hope turned your heads to Ric as he was fake laughing. "I-I must thank all of you for bringing me back. It's been hard, all these years, being trapped in that awful, dark place, unable to spread joy around the world..." Santa trailed off as screeching was heard.

The Krampus was still alive. Everyone gasped and moved backwards a little while Santa turned around to look at the ugly monster who was roaring at Santa. "...because of you." Santa angrily said.

The Krampus then ripped the lights around him so he could be free, he then pulled out the arrow that was meant to be in his heart. "I thought I killed that damn thing." Ric exclaimed.

Santas back was now facing all the people in the room. "Language, Dr.Saltzman. Don't blame yourself for missing. The Krampus' heart is very small, and this..." Santa trailed off. "...is my fight." He stated.

Hope pulled out the knife Clarke gave her and was about to fight. "Wait, Hope, no. You heard the man. This one's personal." Ric stated.

Hope then lowered the knife and placed it on the floor. "So you thought you could steal Christmas, did you? Hо, Hо..." Santa then punched the Krampus in the face, it tumbling to the side, Santa earning gasps from students. "...no." He angrily said.

Santa kept throwing blows after blows on the Krampus' face, earning 'ooo's. Santa then grabbed the Krampus and pinched him before speeding away, glaring at him then speeding back and punching him. "Dudes fast." Kaleb commented. "Like, really fast."

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