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The spicy comatose dream that was once full of erotic promise now seemed like a blip in time that got erased.

Guess that was the usual. Nothing good was really ever true in Lav's world.

She bit down hard on the inside of her mouth because it was either that or she would turn into a barbarian and bite off someone's hand. And maybe decapitate their head with a pastel pizza slicer she had lying around her room.

Whoever said violence wasn't the answer clearly had never experienced the gutting havoc of words.

Forget her. She's unimportant.

The same angel that rammed his tongue down her throat and had been seconds away from mauling her like a ferocious bear was now dismissing her presence.

Yet again.

She wanted to scream like a melting witch with green skin and a pickle shaped nose.

The dark angel she coveted had transformed into another being when he'd taken her mouth. It was like seeing Bigfoot. There were so many documentaries on the creature that she'd seen thanks to Ellra. Humans couldn't decide if the creature was a myth or real.

It was most definitely real.

And while she had personally witnessed the sensual beast lurking beneath Obsidian's cold, broody exterior, who the fuck was going to believe her?

The Guard with the teasing grin that had suggested a threesome seemed to enjoy catching Obsidian in such a predicament. He was pretty, too.

Probably could've passed as a faerie or an elf; the planes of his face were razor sharp and his hair was so long, it rivaled Athena's. Most of it was tied back in a knot but strands that resembled silk shifted free to frame his face.

"Eero, she's a fledgling." The other Guard, a handsome blonde, spoke in warning. Silver rings glinted on every finger and magic was inked onto his knuckles. North was his name. He had been the one to take her to the holding facility after Obsidian arrested her in Forsaken.

"So? Scared of a little fledgling?" Lav advanced towards him and Obsidian snatched her wrist, halting her taunts. The touch stole her attention like a child that had been handed a lollipop.

A scowling and sour lollipop. Good thing she loved sour flavors more than sweet.

"Lavender." The warning wrapped around her name gave her chills. The good kind, of course. "Take your bag and go back to your room."

"Can I take you with me?" Her voice dripped with enough sexual allure to leave all kinds of things to the imagination. And yes, she was laying it on thick in front of his friends because Lav had a reputation and it sure as hell wasn't being unimportant.

"No." He responded with no hesitation. Just like an apathetic Guard. "You will go back alone and stay alone. Don't even think about contacting that other fledgling. I'll know."

Kaede? Ugh. The likelihood of Lav asking him to come over was the same as butterflies taking over the moon. Not happening anytime soon. Even if it did, how would her dark angel even know about it?

He's watching you. That's right. Because she was a prime suspect or whatever in his investigation. Fantastic.

Obeying for her own sake, she bent to retrieve her discarded bag. It would've been a waste to not put on a show so she pressed her hips back and took her sweet time, pleased by the low whistle of appreciation that undoubtedly came from Eero.

Obsidian KissWhere stories live. Discover now