The Compromised Duchess 14

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                                                       Chapter 14

Laurel paced the length of her room, deep in thought. Her battered body screamed for rest, but she ignored it, as her mind raced to find a solution. One thing was clear though, come tomorrow, no matter the consequences, she would never accept that monster’s proposal.

She bit her lip and winced at the pain from the earlier bruising. Think Laurel, think, there must be a way to win this. The thought of simply packing a few belongings and running away crossed her mind, but she dismissed it as quickly as it came. Running away would be the coward’s way out and besides, where on earth would she run to? Back to Grisdale? For how long would she avoid Giles.

“No” she said out loud to the empty room, “I will put an end to his treachery once and for all. He thinks he has me backed into a corner, but I am the daughter of one of the noblest families in all England. I will not cower before him, Never.”

The clock struck once and she grimaced and forced herself to lie down and pull the covers over her head in an attempt to sleep, but her mind refused to cease its musings. She sighed and sat up again,with the intent of taking some of the laudanum Agatha had placed on the nightstand to help calm her nerves. Her eyes fell on a portrait of her family, beautifully executed in oils hanging above the fireplace. She stared at it for a few seconds, smiling at the way the artist had captured the reluctance in dear William's posture, the regal beauty of her mother, Benedict’s charming good looks and finally, herself, sandwiched between her brothers, each had a hand on her shoulders, the very gesture speaking volumes. They would fight to the death to defend her honor, would always stand by her, no matter the circumstances.

Filled with determination, she slipped from bed and donned her dressing gown, taking care to light a candle to take with her, then went in search of William.

She knocked lightly on his door, and was gratified to receive an instant reply. Opening the door, she peered in to find William on his bed, a large open book on his lap reading by candlelight. There was a fire burning in his fireplace and the room looked warm and cozy. He looked puzzled, albeit pleased to see her and he patted the corner of the mattress in invitation.

Laurel smiled and set down her candle, before coming to perch on the edge. “I'm glad you are still awake, Will, what are you reading?”

 “Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes”  he replied, holding up the book so she could see. “It’s very amusing, you should read it sometime.”

“Perhaps I will” Laurel said, “Having trouble sleeping?”

He grimaced in distaste and shut the book, placing it carefully on his bedside table. “Yes” he said, running a hand through his dark hair. “But it’s nothing to bother you about. Now, you, on the other hand, cannot simply be paying a social call, in the middle of the night, simply for idle chat. Since you missed dinner, I assumed something was wrong with you. Mother said you had some kind of accident in the woods?”

“Yes....” she sighed and he beckoned to her to lay down beside him. She slid under the covers, grateful for his comforting presence. Though one and twenty, William still remained close to her, always willing to offer comfort for his little sister.

“But I may have twisted the truth a tad much,” She continued, burrowing deeper under the covers.  “William, I am in trouble, and I don’t know what to do”

He turned so he was facing her directly, his moss green eyes so like hers filled with concern. “What kind of trouble Laurel?”

She took a deep breath and told him everything, from the very beginning from how she ran into Lord Giles, her encounter with him at the ball, Lord Grayson, and finally, the assault and subsequent attempt to blackmail her into marrying him.

William listened, at first with astonishment, but by the time she was finished, he had left the bed and was pacing the length of the room, muttering curses, boiling over in rage.

“I am going to kill him.” he declared, “I will string his miserable limbs between four of my best horses and tear him apart. Then I will personally put a bullet in Grayson's head and watch as he bleeds to death.”

Laurel rose from the bed, alarmed at his rage. She had never seen her brother so angry before, and the sight frightened her to no end.

“William?? she questioned softly, “please don’t do anything foolish. I beg you”

He swung round to face her, “Foolish? He repeated with deadly calm, “Foolish? He dared to lay his filthy hands on you, and you call my actions foolish?”

“William please calm down.” She pleaded, “I did not come to you so you would do the very thing Giles wants. Can’t you see the scandal will ruin us?”

He swore violently and strode to his wardrobe, pulling out various items of clothing and dressing hurriedly.

“What are you doing?” Laurel cried in alarm as he reached underneath his writing desk and pulled out a pistol, expertly checking to see that it was loaded. She lunged at him and snatched the gun from him. “I cannot let you do this, you will get yourself killed.”

He stared at her cold determination oozing out of every pore. “Give me back the gun Laurel.”

“NO!” she cried, hiding the weapon behind her back, “William, please listen to me, don’t do this, I beg you.”

He shoved her aside and strode to the door, Laurel flung the pistol out the open window,  hurried over and placed herself between him and the exit, tears streaming down her face, her eyes wild with fear for her beloved brother.

“Step aside Laurel,” William warned, “Or I shall carry you aside myself.”

“I will not” she screamed at him. “You are being unreasonable. Stop acting like a monster and be sensible for once.”

He moved suddenly, wrapping his arm around her waist and hurling her over his shoulder, then opening the door. Laurel shrieked in terror, and used her hands to beat against his unyielding back.

“BENEDICT! MOTHER!” She called out at the top of her lungs as he bounded down the stairs, him carrying her weight easily. “HELP! WILLIAM HAS TAKEN LEAVE OF HIS SENSES.”
William reached the front door and set her down, Laurel fell to her knees and gripped his leg.

“Good God! William?” Benedict’s voiced pierced the air, and Laurel whipped around to face him. He was clad in his dressing gown, a hunting gun clasped loosely in his arms. “Laurel? What the hell is going on?”

“He wants to kill Giles, oh Ben, please do something.” Laurel shrieked, still holding on to William's leg for fear that he would bolt, “Stop him”

Benedict’s mouth fell open in astonishment. “Have you both gone mad?” he demanded, “What in god’s name are you talking about?”

“She means exactly what she said” William snarled through gritted teeth. “Good, you have a gun Ben, let us go kill that slimy toad”

“CHILDREN” The Duchess' shrill voice called. They all turned to face their mother as she hurried down the stairs, the butler and her maid close behind.

“What is this?” she demanded as she came to halt beside Benedict. “William, why are you dressed at this late hour and why is your sister clinging to you like that?”

“She was assaulted Mother!” William burst out, ramming his fist into the wall, earning a collective gasp from the servants gathered around. “That ignorant child of the devil, Rosehaven, beat her up mercilessly and almost killed her. So I am going to put an end to his miserable existence tonight.”

“WHAT?” the Duchess and Benedict yelled together. Agatha crossed herself while the rest of them looked on with varying expressions of shock.

“Ask her yourselves, she right here isn’t she?” He thundered. “Ask her how she really got those bruises, oh she’ll have quite a tale to tell.”

“Enough of this” The Duchess said firmly. “We will not discuss this where there are servants present. All of you, to the morning room this instant and not another word till we get there. Move.”

 Laurel let go of William and rose to her feet, still sobbing. William grudgingly retraced his steps back into the house and up the stairs with the rest of his siblings, Benedict’s jaw had begun working in fury and he kept casting glares at his sister, but dared not disobey his mother by saying anything. He handed the weapon over to George with terse instructions to have it loaded and ready for use shortly, then preceded everyone else into the morning room.

The rest of the Abbingtons filed into the room taking up various positions. Laurel moved to stand by one of the windows and stared into the darkness, while William too up a position by the fireplace,arms crossed, his expression mulish, the Duchess shut the door firmly, then took a seat, with Benedict standing close and stared at her recalcitrant offspring.

“Now,” she began, training her gaze on Laurel, who had wrapped her hands around herself and was weeping quietly. “You will tell us everything. William, Benedict, no interruptions until she is finished. Have I made myself clear?”

The men murmured in agreement and the Duchess nodded for Laurel to begin.

 Laurel repeated everything, feeling shame wash over her, as she witnessed the pain in her mother’s eyes when she spoke of the assault. Benedict was red in the face and kept opening and closing his fists, wishing Rosehaven was present so he could plant his fist in the smug idiot’s face. William leaned against the mantel and stared into space, his mind running through some of the best forms of torture he could come up with and deciding on a slow painful evisceration of Giles' body organs, starting with the family jewels.

She trailed into silence and for a while nobody spoke, each lost in their own thoughts. Then Benedict could contain himself no longer.

“This is ridiculous” He burst out, making the women jump in fright. “I AM GOING TO MURDER THAT CONNIVING SON THE DEVIL”

“I say, Will” he continued, coming to stand beside his younger brother. “We are wasting time, sitting around like ladies discussing this issue when the bastard should be in the grave by now. I’m in the mood to kill someone tonight. What about you old chap?”

“He would have been well on his way to hell if Laurel hadn’t stopped me.” William said, flexing his muscles. “I would have cut off his prized possession and fed him it to him by now.”

“There will be no killing anyone” The Duchess cut in firmly, glaring at the two of them. “Not today, not tomorrow, not ever. Your father would rise from his grave if he could hear the two of you.”

“Father would probably be first in line to do the honors,” Benedict grumbled in an undertone, his words meant only for Williams ears, but apparently his mother heard.

“Benedict,” she warned, “if I hear you speak of your father in that manner again, I will personally box your ears, even if I have to fetch a stool in order to reach them.”

“Mother, I am a twenty- five year old duke, not an ignorant lad of ten.” Benedict replied, though still moving safely out of reach, William following suit. “What Rosehaven did to Laurel is unpardonable, and a breech to this family’s honor. As the head of this family it is my duty to see to it that anyone who lays his filthy hands on my sister, does not live to do so again.”

Laurel groaned and shut her eyes, wishing she had never uttered a single word to William in the first place.

“Let us not forget Grayson. “ William added, “He is next on my death list”

“Ah yes, the kissing bandit,” Benedict nodded. “A bullet to the head ought to do the trick.”

“Are you even listening to yourselves?” Laurel cried, unable to bear it any longer. “You both stand there talking about killing people like simple savages. Have you even considered the scandalous repercussions of murder?”

“If you had acted sensible in the first place and behaved like a proper lady, we would not be having this discussion” Benedict retorted, glaring at her. “I ought to put you over my knee and beat you silly for your foolishness. What were you thinking I don’t even presume to know. Going to a gentleman’s house, meeting another in the park without a chaperone, KISSING.” he made a face, irked at the though of those scoundrels laying hands on his innocent baby sister. “Oh yes! Someone is going to pay dearly for this. Has the world gone mad?”

“Benedict, that is no way to speak to your sister” Lady Abbington snapped. “Honestly, what has gotten into you? We need to put our heads together to come up with a way to avert the terrible scandal this will surely bring. You know how servants gossip, and if we do not stop that gossip from spreading fast, your sister’s reputation will be in shambles.”

Laurel resumed her inspection of the night, her mind in a whirl. She had not wished to involve Lord Grayson in this. If anything, he had behaved like the perfect gentleman, she now realized and understood why he had acted the way he had that afternoon in his drawing room. He had merely been trying to protect her from scandal. She pressed a hand to her mouth to stifle a sob as her brother’s continued to argue with Mama on the best way to deal with Giles.

“Oh Thomas,” she whispered softly to herself, “Forgive me for roping you into my problems, it was not my intention at all.”

“Laurel Grace Abbington” her mother’s irritated voice cut into her thoughts. “Are you even paying any attention whatsoever?” Laurel started and turned from the window. Her family were all looking at her in gross irritation at her supposed indifference. She flushed and wiped her sweaty palms over her dressing gown.

“I'm truly sorry Mama,” she apologized quietly, “I am sorry for bringing this upon us, I am sorry I behaved wantonly, without thought to anybody’s feelings on the matter but my own selfish ones. Benedict, William, I implore you, please don’t kill Lord Giles because of my ignorance, I ...I ...couldn’t live with myself if you did.”

The Duchess rose and walked over to enfold her daughter in a forgiving embrace “Oh my darling one”, she cried, “Of course I forgive you, we all do. We will never judge you for what you have done.”

Laurel clung to her and another fresh burst of sobbing issued, much to the collective dismay of Benedict and William. Benedict sighed and rolled his eyes, muttering something about 'females and their inappropriate emotions', while William raised his eyes to heaven in amusement.

“Trust women to always resolve everything with weeping,” He chuckled, moving to enfold his mother and sister in a hug. “Please, stop crying, you know it makes us men feel helpless and awkward.”

Laurel laughed through her sobs, letting go of her mother so she could wrap her arms around William's waist.

“Oh William” she cried, “I'm glad you are back to yourself. I was so terribly frightened you would get yourself killed.”

“Oh for the love of....” Benedict exclaimed in exasperation, reaching out to ruffle Laurel's curls. “I swear I cannot understand the lot of you sometimes. Mother, you do realize we have to do something about Rosehaven, and quickly.”

The Duchess pulled herself together with a shake. “Yes, yes. At once Benedict.” she turned to William, “William, please escort Laurel to her chambers. Laurel dearest,get some sleep, it will be busy in the morning. William, when you are done with that, please return here. We have some things to discuss.”

“At once Mother,” William said and led his sister from the room.

Lady Abbington waited until William returned, then she began,

“I do agree that Giles must be dealt with, however I do not condone all this nonsense about murder. Honestly, your sister is a lady and should not be exposed to such foul language from the two of you.”She paused to level withering glare at the both of them. “We are all to blame for this, much more myself for granting her so much liberty without thought to her safety.”

“I am to blame as well” Benedict said, “I have not exactly set a glowing example for her to follow,”
William burst into laughter but quickly covered it with a fit of fake coughing when Benedict glared at him. “Er...sorry”

“William, you will accompany me to visit Lord Hartwell, Giles' father, in the morning,” Lady Abbington ordered.  “I believe we shall be able to elicit a better reaction from the Duke, than his irresponsible progeny. Benedict, you will pay a call on Lord Grayson tomorrow and invite him here for lunch. Please be at your politest best or I shall wring your neck, regardless of my love for you, is that understood?”

“Perfectly Mother,” Benedict glowered, his arms folded across his chest, bristling at his mother’s tone. “but why are we inviting Grayson over here in the first place?”

The Duchess smiled for the first time, “Just bring him here, and leave the rest to me.”


Thomas was in his study, when his butler informed him the Duke of Trevelyan wished to see him. He raised an eyebrow in surprise.

“You are quite certain it’s Lord Abbington?” he queried Everton, glancing at the grandfather clock in the corner, 10am.

“Positive, Your Grace,” Everton replied, holding out the gold embossed calling card. Grayson took it and studied it for a few moments while his mind worked through various scenarios as to why the Duke would come calling.

“Bring him here please,” he finally instructed, shutting the book spread out before him.

“Very good Your Grace.” Everton bowed stiffly and withdrew. Grayson leaned back against the leather high backed seat and made a steeple of his fingers, resting his chin on it. He thought about Laurel, allowing himself to indulge in the thought of her for the first time since the kiss.

Everton returned with Benedict Abbington in tow, a scowl on the duke’s face when he set eyes on Thomas.

Grayson rose and held out his hand, “I must confess, Benedict, this is quite the surprise. I hope all is well?”

Benedict stared at the outstretched arm before reluctantly extending his own, causing a puzzled frown to appear on Thomas' face.

“Hmm, depends on your definition of 'well'” Benedict  replied, his voice barely civil.

“Have a seat,” Thomas said, indicating with a sweep of his hand for Benedict to choose one of the several chairs that were in the room. “May I offer you a drink? Wine, Brandy?”

“No, I’ll rather stand,” Benedict said, taking in the elegantly paneled walls, the plush Indian carpet and expensive looking furniture that created a blend of a sound, masculine haven. He had to commend the man for his excellent taste, he admitted grudgingly, “and I don’t want a drink. I am simply here to invite you to lunch this afternoon at my residence.”

Thomas stared at the man, wondering what he was up to. “Very well, I accept your invitation, what time do you dine?

“Oh, I believe sometime around three, should be appropriate,” Benedict replied, “I shall be expecting you then.”

“May I ask what this is all about?” Thomas questioned, an eyebrow raised in query, “Or am I to be left in a state of anticipation until then?”

“I will give you a hint” Benedict growled, moving to stand toe to toe with Thomas, “It involves you and  a certain lady who is very dear to me, and the strongest urge to call you out. However, I gave my word that I would be civil, so here is me being civil” He drew back his left arm and punched Thomas in the jaw, a satisfied smirk on his own.

Thomas took the brunt of the blow and had to restrain himself from hitting back. He clenched his fist and glared at his opponent.

“If you think I have compromised your sister’s honor in any way, I deeply apologize.” He snarled, through gritted teeth, “But there is no call for violence, least of all in  my own house. If you wish to challenge me to a duel, I gladly accept, and ask you to choose your preferred weapon, a location and a second. We will meet at dawn tomorrow.”

“I should accept your challenge” Benedict snarled back, “But I did give my word. You will appear at Trevelyan house at the stroke of three, or we will indeed meet at dawn with pistols drawn. Good day Thomas.”

Benedict turned on his heel and walked out of the study, leaving Thomas standing there rubbing his aching jaw.

Thomas poured himself a drink and took a seat on his chair, trying to control the fury that raged within him, not so much from the punch he had received but anger at allowing himself to fall for the seductive tricks of Lady Laurel Abbington. Apparently, the girl had set her cap for him and had not been above using her charms and deceit to force a marriage proposal from him. Damnation, he should have known better than to believe in a woman’s innocence when they where all the same, constantly scheming and luring fools like him into marriage by simply fluttering those magnificent lashes of hers. He downed the drink in one gulp, poured himself another, and swore loudly.

“Thomas Grayson, you have been played for a fool.” He muttered to himself. “You allowed yourself to fall for a pair of seemingly guileless green eyes, and  soft enchanting smile not realizing that there is a snake underneath all that.”

However, deep within him, he felt a frisson of pleasure at the thought of having Laurel as his wife. A feeling he tried to deny, but it kept nagging at the corner and refused to go away. Perhaps, he reasoned, it was indeed time for him to settle down and start a family, at twenty-six, he knew he was more than due for matrimonial bliss, but he certainly did not relish the thought of being tricked into it by a mere slip of a girl. He sighed and set down his drink, then rang for his butler.

Everton promptly responded, peering into the study and walking in when his master gestured for him to enter.

“Please inform my valet that I will be needing a formal attire for a luncheon appointment this afternoon, then inform the stable master that I intend to ride Thunder in less than two hours. Then I want you to set an appointment with my solicitor for tomorrow morning.” Thomas said quietly, his eyes fixed on the fire burning in the grate.

I know a lot of my dear readers were probably expecting something different,(Laurel running to Thomas for help) but trust me, I will not disappoint, I loved reading all your wonderful comments and suggestions, I am so overwhelmed by the support and awesome feedback the last chapter received, and I hope I do live up to expectation with the rest of the story. And don’t worry Giles will be brought to justice :D
Please read, enjoy, vote and comment. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH.

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