twenty eight

17 1 0

TW: small talk relating to suicide, please don't read if you're triggered i'm sorry.


The hallway in the basement is still littered with students, changed out of their robes and wearing silk, emerald pyjamas.

The Slytherins scattered around the floor do not pay Betty much heed as she saunters through, dragging her feet slowly as she searches for Draco or at least a spectre of the boy.

It is nearing their curfew timing, but students tend to stay outside a tad longer until the poor, weary caretaker of the school staggers down the stairs, ushering them back into their common rooms.

Betty feels a mixture of puzzlement and sadness. She couldn't fathom why Draco had lured her into the Astronomy Tower out of nowhere, and left her there in her sleep - though she had been awake the whole time.

She was nearing the allure of sleep and darkness, when she felt Draco brush her hair, asked her if she was asleep. And that perked her curiosity and suspicion, so she decided to fake her slumber.

Her skepticism grew worse when he whispered a phrase of almost incoherent words that shattered her soul even if she didn't yet know the context behind his words.

Now, she wanders the whole school, in hopes that she might dally a minute or two before having to head to her common room. She needed to find Draco, but he is nowhere to be seen.

Earlier, when she had rushed out of the Astronomy Tower after his eccentric exit, she was too late in catching him. He had simply vanished into plain sight, down either stairs that could lead away from the tower.

Betty's first thought is that he would return to the common room. But she has just left the Slytherin common room, after receiving multiple curious peers in there for being in the wrong house, and he wasn't there either.

Her feet continues walking, despite her brain not instructing them where to go.

She is relieved to see Blaise, and the familiar, snarky group of Slytherins marching behind him, but her relief is short-lasting when she doesn't see a spot of blonde hair amongst them.

Blaise is surprised to see her too. He hastens his pace, reaches her, and asks, "Betty, what are you doing here?"

This two hasn't talked much since the last time they'd encountered which was an approximate four days ago. But Betty assumes she can trust the Slytherin boy - he was always the biggest gentleman amongst his friends.

His friends toss them both peculiar looks when they notice Betty, and the concern stringing Blaise's words.

"Blaise, what are you doing talking to this prissy?" one of the girls, Pansy, spits, trying to pry the dark-skinned boy away. Blaise ignores her, pushes her hand away.

He raises his chin at the boy Pansy is clinging to. "Nott, I'll see you in the common room. Just wait for me," he tells the curly-haired boy.

Theodore Nott, whom Betty hasn't much thing to say about, since he was partly new to this bunch of rowdy Slytherins - she hadn't heard of him until fourth year - nods and stirs the group and their withering looks away.

Betty waits till the pack has receded into the moving cobblestone wall, before frantically turning to Blaise and asking, "Have you seen Draco?"

He shakes his head, bemused by her behaviour. "No, I thought he was with you. He missed the feast."

She puts an anxious hand over her forehead, holding back the frenzy strands of her hair. "He was," she says, "Draco and I - we were in the Astronomy Tower at first, but I fell asleep and he simply vanished when I woke."

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