Chapter 6: The Best Birthday Gift

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Ever since that day, Izuku has been training harder than ever before. After school, he would always work on his body strength, combat skills, and work on his quirk. His telekinesis has gotten stronger, and now he can carry 500 pounds. Mei has been working on Izuku's suit she designed. It took her three and a half months to complete it. Instead of her giving it to him, she decided to give it to him on his birthday in three days. She was excited to give it to him and she hoped he will like it.

*Three Days Later*

Izuku was walking home from school when he noticed someone was behind him. He quickly turned around to see Mei smiling behind him. "Oh," Izuku said. "What do you mean oh?" Mei asked. "Nothing, I thought you was one of those stupid bullies," Izuku replied. "Oh okay....I wanted to show you something," Mei said as she grabbed his hand. As she was walking, she soon stopped and turned around. Izuku tilted his head a little to let her know he was confused. She chuckled and grabbed a paper bag. "What do you need that for?" Izuku asked. "I am going to cover your head. I have a surprise for you and I don't want you to see it," Mei replied. Izuku shrugged his shoulders and bent over, close enough for her to put it on. She successfully put the paper bag on his head and began guiding him the way.

*Izuku's P.O.V*

"I could feel her pulling me somewhere. It must be really important for her to be dragging me for this long." After a long walk, I felt my feet meeting grass. "Where is she taking me?" She continued leading me for a long period of time. "What is this that is so important that she wants me to go into the woods? Is she taking me to her work area? No, if she was, she wouldn't have gone through all of this trouble." Soon, I felt her let go of my hand. I started to move my hand around to see where she was going. "Mei?" "Don't worry, I am still in front of you. You can take it off now," Mei instructed. With that, I took the paper bag off of my head and looked around to see a beautiful area in the woods. "Wow...." "I know right? I found this place two weeks ago when I was taking a break. I thought I could show you," Mei said. "This is amazing." Mei walked up to me and grabbed my hand. Taking me to the picnic area she setted up. We sat down and she opened the basket with delicious food inside and began to eat.

*No One's P.O.V*

They have been talking amongst themselves for hours now. They laughed, talked, and watched as the animals walked by. Mei noticed when Izuku was eating, he would lift the bottom of his mask up and put the food into his mouth without me seeing. "I wish he could trust me enough to see his face, but I respect his boundaries and won't push it until he is ready."

The sun behind them began to fall and the moon began to rise. As they stayed there, they talked more among themselves. Izuku was laying on his side while she was laying on her back. Hearing and seeing how happy she was with her life makes him feel happy. When he is around others, he tends to break apart or act tough. But when he is around her, he doesn't need to try hard. He feels free like a butterfly who is waiting to spread his wings. She noticed that Isuku was looking at her and blushed. She slowly sat up and walked away. Izuku thought he did something wrong, so he started to frown. "Was I staring too much?" Izuku asked. "No silly, I was just getting something for you," Mei said, causing the black haired boy to jump. Izuku turned around to see she was holding a hanger with a plastic bag in it. She handed it to Izuku and he opened it to reveal a suit. He looked at the suit in amazement. It was fully black with a hoodie and a pair of boots. "I made this for you so when you start your adventure, you would have a disguise. There is a built-in knife on both sleeves. Just press this button, and it will come out. You can either use it like it is a sword or pull it out so you can use it like a dagger. The cannesters on your hip are first aid. It is also black with this hoodie. I also made a replica of the mask you have already, but I made it black. The boots are also light, so it doesn't make it hard for you to run. You tap your foot twice on the ground and a knife will come out also, but it won't come off of your feet like it does on your sleeves. The best part is the blood stains won't stay on there. It will slide right off, so you won't have a trace of DNA on you," Mei explained. Izuku was shocked that Mei made a suit for him. Izuku was about to start on his own, but Mei beat him right to it. "Thank you..." Izuku said. "No problem. Now, do you want to go for a spin?" Mei asked. "Sure," Izuku replied. "Okay! See you" Mei said. "Wait, can we exchange numbers real quick?" Izuku asked. Mei nodded and they both exchanged numbers.

Izuku headed straight home to change into his new suit. He grabbed the mask and went to the mirror. "This looks great!" Izuku thought. Izuku walked to his boots and put them on. He walked through the window and began his first vigilante job.

He was jumping on buildings, climbing on them, and watching the streets. "I guess there's nothing for me to do today. It's understandable because proheroes are usually out this late." Izuku was about to walk off when he heard a sudden scream. Izuku turned around and looked down in an alleyway to see a girl getting attacked by three guys. "Let's try these new gadgets." Izuku jumped down and landed between the girl and the three guys. "Look what we got here. Listen kid, why don't you go and play dress up s-" Before he could finish his sentence his neck was sliced. Causing his head to fall off of his body. The other guys got scared and were about to run when Izuku beat them to the exit. Izuku started to walk towards them slowly while the other two guys started to walk backwards. One of the guys put up his hands and they turned into blades. He charged at Izuku; amining for his head. Izuku ducked, grabbed his arm, and pulled him to his shoulders. He fell and saliva came from his mouth, due to the impact. The other guys were going to attack him with his quirk when he noticed nothing came out. "What are you doing just standing here? Do something!" The guy yelled. "I'm trying, but nothing i-" The man was stopped by a knife piercing his forehead. The guy on the ground was now terrified from the scene and started to beg Izuku. "Come on don't have to do this," The man said while sweat started to drip from his forehead. "You just attempted to rape a girl. You deserve to be killed for that," Izuku said. "I will stop! I will do anything, just don't kill me!" The man began to beg more and more which made Izuku giggle. "You shouldn't just say stuff without meaning it. I recognized you guys from the news three months ago. The same reason you guys went to prison is the same reason why you should die. You took that chance to get out of jail for granted, and now it is time for you to pay the actual price." With that, Izuku pressed the button on his free hand and stabbed him with it.

Izuku walked to the girl behind him and asked her if she was okay. She nodded and Izuku turned around, about to climb another tree, but he was stopped by the girl grabbing his arm. "Who are you?" She asked. "My name is.....forgotten one" Izuku said as he began to climb the nearest building and headed off.

The next morning, Izuku was woken up by the sound of the alarm. Izuku went ahead and got up really tired. "This is really going to take some time getting used to." Izuku went to his bathroom and received a call coming from Mei. "Hello?" "Izuku, look at the news!" Before Izuku could say anything, she hung up. "The news?" Izuku thought. Izuku walked down stairs after getting dressed and saw his father and Shinso on the couch watching the news. "Last night, there was an attack that happened at ***** in the alleyway. There were three dead bodies laying on the ground with one of them decapitated. No one knew what happened except one girl who happened to be the victim and the witness to this fight. The police interviewed her and they were informed that he goes by the "the forgotten one". They asked for a description of him, but couldn't receive it because he was wearing all black. But she did say his eyes glowed red." Izuku walked to the refrigerator to grab his lunch and headed out of the house without them noticing him. "This is the best birthday gift I have ever gotten." 

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